Why do people hate Americans?

by dorayakii 121 Replies latest social current

  • DannyBloem

    So here you have it if you are American in Europe you are right away evil and you dislike

    Just because you are American ,not in the US every one is nice to you not because you are form far land.


    you are generalizing and not stateing true facts.
    What you say is of course BS. There are lot of different countries in Europe with quite different cultures. If something bad happened in France to you, you can not compare it to the way you are threated in for example Greece or scandanavian.
    Some French are patriotic and do not like americans so much. Some don't like the germans, the english also.
    But that is not everyone. Far from it.

    I’m Canadian and I travel all over Europe (including the UK) and the Far East the American people are the must Fridley nice and willing to help you. You walk in to

    Elevator and you don’t know no one the will say “Good morning” “hey how are you” and so on in the UK the will look at you like you are going to breathe their air when ask for direction the will ignore you IMHO all the world jealous of America

    I agree that Americans, (including canadians) are mostly friendly. I think most of the Europeans are friendly too.
    Some like more the mind your own bussiness aproach, and do not say hello to every stranger. This does not mean any dislike. It is just a different way of doing.
    Like when you go into a shop hear, mostly there is no greeting. That is fine, no unfriendlyness. In America mostly they do greet you. But do they mean what they say. Mostly not. So what is better?
    I guess it is just a different way of achieving the same. SO why judge.....

    Look at the achievements the research, medicine, transport, high tech and more.

    America has achived a lot. so has Europe. In some things Europeans are more progressive, in other things americans.

    We could be wise persons, if we take advantages of the best of different cultures, without thinking that there is only one good way, there is only us, and all other are all .... (lot of americans are doing this luckely).

    I think if you go to Europe and can't wait to you go home, you are not opening up, to the differences. You just want to have everything the same as at home.
    I travelled a lot, and know there are many wonderfull people everywhere. Some things are really great in America, (including south america), some things are great in asia, some things are great in Australia or the pacific. Some things are great in europe too.....


  • Simon
    Like when you go into a shop hear, mostly there is no greeting. That is fine, no unfriendlyness. In America mostly they do greet you. But do they mean what they say. Mostly not. So what is better?

    We've started getting "greeters" here now too (mainly in Asda which was bought by Walmart).

    It doesn't come across as natural because it is so obviously false - having someone that you know is paid to say "hello, welcome".

    It's a contrived attempt by big companies to provide what the little corner store does with a genuinely friendly welcoming person who probably knows you.

  • pr_capone

    LMAO @ Simon

    I feel that way everytime I walk into WalMart. They dont even rally give you a real hello... for the most part I get a grunt and a nod. :d

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Cowboy

    Fortunately, there's more to the U.S. than Wal Mart. I'm greeted genuinely by the people in pretty much every business I go into. Generally speaking, if a business or employee isn't friendly and respectful to everyone that goes there, I'll keep my business elsewhere. Maybe I'll come in and browse from time to time, but my loyalty will always lie where people are treated the best.


  • Soledad
    They are a real part of soceiety, and I think that intergration is even better here then in the states, less difference between skin color.

    In Germany, Belguim and Switzerland I felt very welcome--even in some parts of France.

    In England, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Austria I felt like a real darkie. Not everyone was so nice to me and I overheard people make vulgar remarks about immigrants in their nation.

    Doesn't mean I hate people in these countries. But it's unlikely I'll go back for another visit.

  • avishai
    Like when you go into a shop hear, mostly there is no greeting. That is fine, no unfriendlyness. In America mostly they do greet you. But do they mean what they say. Mostly not. So what is better?

    We've started getting "greeters" here now too (mainly in Asda which was bought by Walmart).

    Yeah, Wal-mart greeters drive me nuts!! However, Most of us that give a friendly greeting would'nt do it. if we did'nt mean it. Why waste the time?

  • Soledad
    Says who? It's generalisations and exaggerations like that that fuel bigotry, not dampen it.

    Why? All I said was that we work more hours, not that we are better for it.

    Besides, the trend is rapidly changing.

  • Simon
    Yeah, Wal-mart greeters drive me nuts!! However, Most of us that give a friendly greeting would'nt do it. if we did'nt mean it. Why waste the time?

    First time I met a WelMart greeter I thought it was some care-in-the-community nut. Some old guy I'd never met with lots of badges wanting to be my friend ... it just wasn't "normal"

    After running the length of the store screaming "he's mad, he'll kill us all" we did our shopping as normal.

  • bisous

    I haven't experienced these greeters since I don't patronize WalMart. I do love the greeting and farewells one experiences throughout the villages of France. It is so genteel to enter a small shop, exchange the "Bonjour Madame" or "Bonjour Monsieur" and upon exiting exchange our "Mercis". It left such a pleasant imprint upon me returning home from my first visit. And despite what has been said here, my one-on-one experiences in France each year (including 2005) have not been hate-filled. The French are eager to have robust discussions regarding their impressions of America and our leaders ... but they retain their love of Americans.

    They just don't adopt a fawning Oh Thank God You Saved Our Country We Are Forever In Your Debt mentality that some Americans think is their due. They don't feel they owe some permanent servitude to our government and decisions.

  • misanthropic

    First time I met a WelMart greeter I thought it was some care-in-the-community nut. Some old guy I'd never met with lots of badges wanting to be my friend ... it just wasn't "normal"

    After running the length of the store screaming "he's mad, he'll kill us all" we did our shopping as normal.

    OMG that's funny........

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