Why do people hate Americans?

by dorayakii 121 Replies latest social current

  • ballistic

    Wildhorses, I know Katie didn't mean anything by that joke, believe me, we English have far worse jokes about all different nationalities. Maybe you Americans even have jokes about English humour? LOL

  • WildHorses
    Maybe you Americans even have jokes about English humour?

    Maybe some do, but I don't. I can't recall hearing any but am sure they are out there.

    The only thing Bristish that I can think of that is gross is blood pudding. Yuck! But I love the accent, love the people. As a matter of fact, there are quit a few from England living in Fuquay. I try to keep them talking when I meet them because I love to hear them talk. It's a fetish I guess.

  • upside/down

    Define "people"...

    I don't believe "people" hate Americans...anymore or less than anyone...cept maybe the French.



  • z

    I’m Canadian and I travel all over Europe (including the UK) and the Far East the American people are the must Fridley nice and willing to help you. You walk in to
    Elevator and you don’t know no one the will say “Good morning” “hey how are you” and so on in the UK the will look at you like you are going to breathe their air when ask for direction the will ignore you IMHO all the world jealous of America
    Look at the achievements the research, medicine, transport, high tech and more.
    When in Europe I can’t wait to go home but in the USA I love every min of it

    My family and I were in Paris this spring the kids ask for hamburger so we walk to McDonald, stands in line after my kid’s order I paid and just as we start walking to the table
    My daughter ask for Ketchup (she spike French perfectly) the girl at the counter said
    “Merde American” (sh** American) my daughter answered her nicely and “by the way we are Canadian” WOW you have to see this B***h all you ask np
    So here you have it if you are American in Europe you are right away evil and you dislike
    Just because you are American ,not in the US every one is nice to you not because you are form far land.

    God Bless America we love you


  • Soledad
    Because they have a higher FIFA ranking than the English.

    LOL you know I loved that answer!

    Someone else mentioned this earlier and I agree with it: American culture is extremely materialistic. We value money and put a price tag on everything.

    Some of us have an overaggerated sense of entitlement. We want what we want when we want it at whatever the cost, monetary or otherwise.

    On the other hand:

    I believe that we are good people. The average American is kind and willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it.

    We are hard working people. The average American works more hours in a year than the average European, Asian, Canadian and South American combined.

    If you ever get a chance to visit NYC, take a daytrip to 26 Federal Plaza. That's where the immigration offices are located, on the 8th floor. You will see enormous lines of people from all over the world, trying to find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And that's the beauty of the whole thing: I believe there are more people out there in the world who love us than hate us. Anybody from anywhere can come here and become an American. I don't believe that can happen anywhere else. I can't go to France and become French, even if I went through the citizenship process. I could never "really" be French (or Italian or Spanish or English or Irish or German---and many others who aren't shy to let us know that we can never be "them!"). But here anyone can "really" be American!

    As far as politics, I am one of the most vocal critics you will ever find, although I won't vent my views here. I'm in the local news constantly. Politicians in this country are adept at flogging dead horses, not proactively seeking solutions to anything. The situation in New Orleans is the perfect example. Local and state gov't should have made a better effort to get everyone out of that city well before the hurricane hit. But they didn't and now it's finger pointing time. I didn't find anything amusing about the mayor's rant on the radio. He could have done something sooner, but instead he is pointing fingers at the Feds and now flogging a dead horse.

    Maybe you Americans even have jokes about English humour?
    Yeah we do: what humour?

    get it? LOL!

  • katiekitten
    KattieKitten, I'd be a bit miffed too if someone came here and put us down like that. It's a shame that "some" people seem to feel a need to be that way. I promise that not all Americans are like that

    WH, I promise you Ballistic is right - it was just a joke drawing on the worst stereotypes of Americans and little old Yorksire men!

    Hell, half my family are American now, I cant afford to hate em!

  • Simon
    We are hard working people. The average American works more hours in a year than the average European, Asian, Canadian and South American combined.

    I've told you a million times not to exaggurate !

    I think the word "combined" makes that incorrect - Americans teld to have fewer holidays than the UK (and we have fewer than many other EU countries). I think that reflects a culture of "presenteeism" rather than productivity though.

  • ozziepost
    We are hard working people. The average American works more hours in a year than the average European, Asian, Canadian and South American combined.

    Says who? It's generalisations and exaggerations like that that fuel bigotry, not dampen it.

  • ISP

    America just elects people that are generally not upto the job. Out of all of the US...is the best you can do, Bush? No wonder you have problems in the way you are perceived by your own people and internationally.


  • DannyBloem
    We are hard working people. The average American works more hours in a year than the average European, Asian, Canadian and South American combined.

    Sorry to say, but this is BS.
    you probably work more hours then people in europe. We have a lot more vacation days. At elast 25 days a year, possible shorter working weeks etc.
    Hard morking is not the same as working much.
    This is not nessesary something bad. It is good for unemployment. Better have three people work 32 hours, then two 48 hours a week.
    But this is not everywhere the case. And the working tempo at an office in the states is not higher then europa. Some who did both told me the opposite, but I guess, it just depends.
    A lot of Asian people however, work a lot harded, and more.
    This is a generalization based on nothing but air.....

    No everywhere in america people are working that hard too. I guess the working tempo in mexico is also lower.....

    If you ever get a chance to visit NYC, take a daytrip to 26 Federal Plaza. That's where the immigration offices are located, on the 8th floor. You will see enormous lines of people from all over the world, trying to find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And that's the beauty of the whole thing: I believe there are more people out there in the world who love us than hate us. Anybody from anywhere can come here and become an American. I don't believe that can happen anywhere else. I can't go to France and become French, even if I went through the citizenship process. I could never "really" be French (or Italian or Spanish or English or Irish or German---and many others who aren't shy to let us know that we can never be "them!"). But here anyone can "really" be American!

    This is not different here. A lot of people come to europa too, to find a better life. Including a lot of americans.
    In much of the cities here the population of people comming from abroad, or with parents from abroad is about 50%.
    They are a real part of soceiety, and I think that intergration is even better here then in the states, less difference between skin color.

    Don't ghet me wrong, I have nothing against people from the states, I know a a lot of nice and friendly people there. (ok, I have something against the moron leading the country, but that is another issue).
    What I have something against is coming with these kind of arguments.


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