Why do people hate Americans?

by dorayakii 121 Replies latest social current

  • prophecor

    This country is hated because of the way we worship money, the way we do just about anything to go out and get it, the length and breadth to which we will kill ourselves, and more importantly kill others, in order to attain it. The capitalist society that is Amerikkka is in the business of making billions upon billions of dollars. People invest their lifes energy into slaving for big corporations, companies who have no other need for you, ( all in all your just another brick in the wall ) than to be mortar for the next brick. They pay you mostly no attention. Price fixing, controlling cost, all so that they can squeeze to the 100th of a cent, all that can be gotten from their employees, who are positioned in a form of slavery. The ones at the top are the problem. You are expected to work and commit your life to coming out of retirement at 65, maybe 70 before it's all said and done. Humans, however are given a window of time that even from a scriptural reference point of 70 years, maybe 80 if your strong enough. Psalms 90:10 So I retire at 65 with just a few years left maybe to enjoy the things that I've broken my back to acquire. Maybe I don't even make it to 65, maybe even 50. We suffer and struggle without access to medical care. You can't participate in being fleeced by the multi billion dollar insurance corporations who dole out health coverage thru HMO's PPO's or whatever plan that you're demanded to have if you want any kind of help. Don't get sick while we force you to work harder in order to fuel the economy. Get those GNP numbers up. You get out of this life what you put into it, yes. At what cost though. How much are you required to sacrifice. Nothing more than your life. In Amerikkka, you matter only as far as how much money you can bring into crapp shoot.

  • stillajwexelder

    Do they realise that most of their wars are not to bring about peace, but to aquire oil? Do you think the average American citizen knows this, or do you think they are brainwashed to believe they are totally benevolent? WHAT A LOAD OF HORSESHIT

    WW1 to help GB and France against Germany NOT OIL

    WW2 Pearl Harbour and to defeat Naziism NOT OIL

    Korean To stop the spread of communism NOT OIL

    Vietnam, stupid stupid war to stop the spread of communism NOT OIL

    Beirut - To help the Israelis their good friends - but as it was in the middle east I suppose you could make a case for oil -JUST

    Greneda Ronnie flexing his muscles NOT OIL

    Balkans To stop Genocide allegedly NOT OIL

    The Cold War - to keep communism at bay - NOT OIL

    Gulf War 1 OIL - OK I will admit that

    Afghanistan - Revenge for 9/11 but in the Middle East to again I suppose it could be argued oil figures somehwere

    Iraq War - fair enough - not WMD but Oil

  • Simon

    "to stop communism"

    So you admit you go to war over idology !

  • roybatty
    Do they really have a better way of life than you Canadians? Do they have more freedom than us UK or EU citizens?

    I prefer the Canadian lifestyle and society and I think we have many more freedoms in the EU. We do things over here that would probably get people shot or locked up in America.

    I TOTALLY disagree with this. I'm not going to get into another "defend America" thread but I do have to comment. While watching the Nata Holloway missing person / murder case in Aruba I was shocked to learn that, based upon Dutch law, a person can be incarcerated for 116 days even without any charges being brought against them. WOW! I don't know how differnt it is from country to country in the EU but it's my understanding that in Holland they can arrest you, throw you in jail and let you sit there for months on end without any charges being brought against you. So this Joran van der Sloot sat in jail for months and months and was never charged with a crime. Talk about a lack of basic freedom.

  • Simon
    I TOTALLY disagree with this. I'm not going to get into another "defend America" thread but I do have to comment. While watching the Nata Holloway missing person / murder case in Aruba I was shocked to learn that, based upon Dutch law, a person can be incarcerated for 116 days even without any charges being brought against them. WOW! I don't know how differnt it is from country to country in the EU but it's my understanding that in Holland they can arrest you, throw you in jail and let you sit there for months on end without any charges being brought against you. So this Joran van der Sloot sat in jail for months and months and was never charged with a crime. Talk about a lack of basic freedom.

    Yeah, but they can pull you off the street in the US, tell no one, ship you out the country and have you tortured to death.

    Nice freedom !

  • Qcmbr

    Whenever there are aid efforts it is more often than not US wheat, whenever there are financial donations they are normally (and there have been exceptions) when US aid is far greater. Europe owes its financial and political existence to an America that gave money hand over fist after the second world war and then poured money into defending us from the spread of Russian communism. American soldiers died in two world wars thousands of miles from their territorial interests in Europe. I am ashamed of many in Britains rush to blacken the name of America.

    My freedom I owe to grandfathers and grandmothers from here and from across the Ocean. The greatest threats to my liberty and family come not from the US but from a Franco - German Europe which is eroding my political power, my country's autonomy, religious freedom and culture. I want to have more in common with the US than I do with Europe - personal preference. France has time and time again shown its only desire is to be in charge of everyone else. Britain never waged a war to overcome Europe - every time it went into Europe (not counting Henry V) was to sort out someone else's mess. America has to do the same now. World policeman sucks because no one wants you but the vacuum of power will always be filled by some less benovolent bully.

    The stars and stripes fills me with hope - in this age their is no other nation that comes close.

  • stillajwexelder

    "to stop communism" So you admit you go to war over idEology ! YES

  • under74
    I don't know how differnt it is from country to country in the EU but it's my understanding that in Holland they can arrest you, throw you in jail and let you sit there for months on end without any charges being brought against you.

    They can do that here in the US too. It's called the Patriot Act.

    ps- they been using it in Cuba too.

  • DanTheMan
    WOW! I don't know how differnt it is from country to country in the EU but it's my understanding that in Holland they can arrest you, throw you in jail and let you sit there for months on end without any charges being brought against you.

    WOW! Did you really say that?

  • sonnyboy

    I certainly don't have a problem with patriotism, but I don't think that many realize where it comes from. War veterans are worshiped like gods in the US, especially the ones who didn't make it home. In fact, everything that has to do with war is glorified and romanticized. Why is that? We have numerous war anthems, war paintings laden with American flags, war museums, war toys, canons and military vehicles in front of government buildings, former slave owners and murderers and rapists of Native Americans on our money (Andrew Jackson ), etc.

    I for one am glad to be here, but I also don't sugar-coat or overlook what our government does and has done to keep us in check. There's nothing wrong with being proud to be an American, as in having love for your community and fellow countrymen, but blind patriotism is promoted by the government and makes little sense. Praising the founding fathers for creating this great nation as they committed genocide upon Native Americans makes even less sense.

    I get sickened every time I look at a $20 bill (and no, I'm not going to send mine to anyone). If more people knew of the horrors committed by Andrew Jackson, I think there would be a rally to get his ugly face off of it. He was one crooked, evil bastard.

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