Will Bush change his view on global warming now

by ballistic 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    Global climate change seems a more accurate description, and from what is measurable, yes, it does seem as though we humans have a hand in things.

    Just in case some people want to take a break from hurling insults at each other and read some rather interesting data on the topic.


    “Today's atmosphere contains 32 per cent more carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, than at the start of the industrial era.

    The result is climate change: altered long-term weather patterns. Global warming, a rise in the average global temperature, is one measure of climate change. And it has already begun - global average temperature has risen by almost 1 degree Celsius since 1900, and the northern hemisphere is substantially warmer than at any point during the past 1000 years.

    Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas is largely responsible for climate change. Deforestation and modern intensive farming methods also contribute to the problem.”


    a snippet from the above url:

    “The atmospheric concentration of CO2 is now 31% higher than it was in 1750, probably the highest it has been for the past 20 million years, and is accelerating. About three-quarters of the increase is from fossil fuel burning, while the rest is mostly due to deforestation. Atmospheric methane has increased even more dramatically, by 151% since 1750. Nitrous oxide and synthetic greenhouse gases (halocarbons) also continue to rise.”

  • hamsterbait

    It has been proved that the earth in other epochs has had global average temperatures higher than now and colder than now.

    However none of those periods had human beings interfering with and polluting the atmosphere.

    yes, the planet is getting warmer, and the sea levels are rising. Whether this is just part of a natural cycle, being helped along by human activity, or caused by human activity alone cannot be definitely proved using only the data we have at present.

    The point is that if it IS human activity causing it, we cannot put things back again, once the damage is done. It's like saying let's not bother putting emergency exits in a theatre as you cannot prove that this particular theatre is definitely going to burn down.

    We cannot take such risks with the only habitable planet we know of. What if it is our fault? Laissez faire in this situation could turn out to be mass suicide by dithering over details.


  • stillconcerned

    Well said, Black Sheep and Eyeslice!


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