At the meeting today, me and my family were sitting in the back. I've been heavily emotional lately because of the Katrina disaster and my temper and sadness and all emotions have just been on a rise lately. Well my dad was noticing that I was frowning so my father got sort of angry with me and demanded that I stop. Well I was semi-trying to stop when he ordered that I talk with him outside. Well he was somewhat forceful with me and asked, "If you don't agree with God and the Society just say it right now. Well my tempers were flaring so I mumbled something inaudible. After he asked me to repeat myself I just said, "how can I stay focused and love something that I do not agree with." Well this sent my mom, my dad and I into a frenzy. My dad is an emotional mostly punishment oriented kind of guy so he was mostly just saying the usual Jw nonesense that would be expected in this situation. However me and my mom went into his truck and discussed anything that came to mind.
We discussed Evolution, Logic, The issues of Credibility in Science, Belief, and the structure of the whole world pretty much. Most of her comments was usual JW banter but I was so emotionally attached to her at that moment it was inconceivable. She was obviously in a JW rant (however she did give me a few thinkers mostly about my idealism of my views) but we were so connected. I absolutely NEVER talked to my mom about feelings or anything like that, and I spilled my heart to her, even though most of it did not sink in. Even through all of her logical fallacies and my emotional retorts we've never shared anything like this. I'll update this toanybody who wants to know. But dang... I've been dreading this day since I could remember, and now it's here. Can not say more than that I suppose.
The most monumental conversation with my mom and dad.
by Daunt 26 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know what to say, so I 'll express to you a {{{ sincere warm hug }}}.
Man, wish I knew what to say here... :(
Hi Daunt. Are you really only 17? It's a lot to deal with at any age, but is hard to do as a teen more so I believe.
She was obviously in a JW rant (however she did give me a few thinkers mostly about my idealism of my views) but we were so connected. I absolutely NEVER talked to my mom about feelings or anything like that, and I spilled my heart to her,
This is a good place to go from. I'm so sorry I'm not familiar with your posts here so I don't know a lot of the background. It's easier for our parents if they know where we are coming from and what we are thinking. Even if your mom is upset at least the two of you are clear regarding where you stand.
I would tell your mom that you want to continue being open and honest with her. Hopefully that will help.
I would love to hear updates from you, if you don't want to post them you can always pm me.
I really don't know what to say either, but I do know about dealing with a highly emotional/irrational JW father. Its not easy and it probably won't get any easier *sorry*. But it is possible to cope. Being as open as you can with both of them is probably one of the best things to do. My thoughts are with you.
I'm glad that you could connect!! I hope your mom was as affected as you are. Let her know you appreciate her listening, and not rejecting you.
True relationships are often roads to freedom.
I would say , repeatedly, that your not saying these things to hurt them, and that you realize they will be worried for you, but that you are INTITLED to feel and believe in what you decide, and at this time you dont agree with them, and it will make it worse if they get angry and upset with you cos your trying to sort your feelings out.
They might give you a little bit of leway, they may also suggest a bible study with a encouraging brother. Just say no thanks not at the moment, say you want to do your own research. Then you can ask them questions that bother you. You might even get them thinking ! Pick a subject that you know has no scriptural basis.
Goodluck !
((((Daunt)))) It's really hard when your parents can't realize you are going to be who you are as a person, and not what they want you to be. It's even harder when you're a teenager living under their roof.
Hopefully after the first shock wears down a bit they will be able to sit down and talk to you in a calmer fashion at least. I went through all this when I was a teenager too, and my only advice is that you be careful not to make any sudden decisions (or as I like to refer to mine as huge mistakes). Most of the time things are alot better in the morning after everyone has had time reflect on things.
Thank you so much guys, you won't believe how much those hugs mean to me right now. It's going to be a struggle for a while but I'm glad I broke the ice. My parents were somewhat more reasonable than I expected them to be. I felt bad through most of it, bringing up all of my skeletons over the years to them, but I feel that it's going to be ok in the long run. I'm trying to write down all of these events in my journal and other things, so I'll try to keep you guys updated if anything us comes up. (((((EVERYBODY!!!))))))
We are here for you and we understand. Keep us posted and be careful.
Also, one thing to watch out for: Your parents are going through a very scary time right now, thinking they could be loosing their child forever. Be ready for them to possibly change from day to day listening and almost understanding, the next day, harsh and closed minded. It is a rollercoaster of emotions for you AND them.
Let us know how you are doing!