The most monumental conversation with my mom and dad.

by Daunt 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ingenuous


    Been there (actually, am still there) and my heart breaks all over again for you.

    It's a tough road that very few are willing to take. Consider us your fellow travelers.

    All the best...

  • Preston

    You're a smart kid at your age,

    I think at 17 I was still under my lock and key stage, but you're actually debating this stuff with your parents... interesting. I think you'll be one of these people that becomes successful and retires at an early age. BTW, I think your drawings are impressive...

    - Preston

  • jgnat

    I see a few good things out of this exchange.

    1. You got to speak your mind, which is a liberating experience.
    2. Your parents did not react as badly as you feared.

    You are going to start feeling a lot better. Maybe take some tips from Richie and involve yourself in some minor rebellion (like taking your own pic in the bathroom). You have publicly revealed the real you, which feels wonderful.

    I wouldn't take the JW drivel spewed from your parents very seriously. They reacted as they had been conditioned. In quiet moments I am sure they will think about what you said. In the next week or so they may seek counsel from the local elders about your "problem", so be alert for suggestions that you join a book study with a trusted member of the congregation, or perhaps some sort of restriction, or maybe an ultimatum when you are old enough to be on your own (i.e. you must keep your publisher card in good standing if you want to live under our roof).

    Have a strategy to deal with whatever comes down. It would help if you had a private bank account where you could sock away your own funds (the amount is not nearly so important as the sense of independence).

  • Daunt

    Ah yes jgnat. It's so liberating having this conversation with my mom and dad. They seem more human now, and I feel that I'm closer to them because of it. I also tore down the pedestal that I put them on. Since I was so afraid of what they would possibly do I put them up almost as God's of possible destruction over a good part of my life.

  • hamsterbait

    I can't find me Shakespeare, but the wisest words in Hamlet are uttered by Polonius to his son:

    (I paraphrase desperately)

    "Above all else: to thine own self be true,

    and it shall follow as surely as the

    day the night, thou canst not then be false

    to any man..." (Or god)


  • tetrapod.sapien


    hey man,

    good for you. you knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. and i am glad for you that you have your mom there, and you connected with her. it's kind of the same for me. my mom is a devout wit, but she respects me and my desicion. and that really is all i could hope for right now. i hope it works out the same for you.

    at any rate, you're a super smart guy. i wish i had your brains when i was 17. you'll make it though it all. find a healthy outlet for your emotions in the mean time, and you'll do fine.

    cheerio old boy,


  • jaffacake


    I'll be thinking about you a lot, I have a son close to your age. Have a fatherly hug (((Daunt))).

    My only advice is to make sure you let your parents know you love them and that any questions you have are for the right motives, you care about the truth. You could even throw in the scripture about 'keep testing the faith you are in'

    Do you think they will discuss with the Elders?

  • Es

    I feel for you but like someone else said your a smart kid....most of us were stil trudging along at the age and not had realised our feelings for the borg. Im so glad you had the chance to connect with your mother...its a nice feeling isnt it.

    We are here for you


  • Daunt

    Thanks again folks. My parents are mostly in a supportive mode but I still dislike that it will be practically the exact same as before, only that I have a lot of mental pressure off of me.

    I made sure never to get baptised jaffacake from when I was around 12. Just couldn't be disfellowshipped like that, so they can talk with the elders all they want, they can do just as much as my next door neighbor. And thanks everybody for saying that I am smart (Not looking for sympathy but I just plain don't see it). The more I look and learn the more I realise I don't know. Guess that makes me smart.

  • kilroy2

    they can still disassociate you, just the same as df ing but for unbaptized persons. you need to make a choice and follow your hart, if you are not happy now you will never be happy in the borg. you have many opportunities open to you, don't let them keep you down

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