From MSN... I may barf any second...

by mkr32208 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bisous

    oh great, prey upon the vulnerable to get your numbers up ... typical cult tactics...

  • Quotes

    Oh, you terrible, cynical people!!!!

    Of *COURSE* the JWs are helping people.

    They are delivering God's message that this bad weather was part of *HIS* grand plan for mankind.

    People don't need food, water, blankets, cots. What these people need is magazines! They need the hope that can only be found in the well researched, well written, "delightful, correct words of truth" found in the Watchtower Society's publications.

    I don't see the Red Cross, or anyone else, explaining to these people that God intended this to happen, and that it will only get worse. Why, just having that knowledge, that only God's Organization can provide, will make the suffering *MUCH* more bearable.

    Ok, sorry. Enough of that.

    Commence Puking Now

    ~Quotes, of the "It sounds funny when *I* say it" class

  • aniron
    The WTS tells the JWs that the WTS is helping people, but won't actually tell them how they are helping or who they are helping, nor will they provide any video, pictures or news paper articles.

    Exactly they always say how much they are helping. We read and see all the other agencies Red Cross etc going in and helping. I've even read of churches in neighbouring States loading up cars and trucks to take food in, for anyone who needs it. Not waiting for some order to come from headquarters to do it. You can bet that a couple of months from now the WT will have an article in a Watchtower or Awake about how they helped those poor people in the disaster. But when you read it closely you see that they only helped other JW's. As to what they were doing in the Astrodome. You can bet there were ten times more other churches there helping. You can be sure they would never print in a magazine how the Catholics were there helping out. I remember reading about how a guy having a study with JW's went with them to Florida after a hurricane. They helped all the JW's and when they finshed the guy said "Now we can help the other people" . He was told "No we only help our brothers and sisters in the truth." He said "In that case you are not the "truth" because the "truth" would help anyone who needs it. Like the Good Samaritan." WIth that he told them were they could stick their study and went off to help others.

  • Quotes

    Just wanted to add:

    On Friday, several Jehovah’s Witnesses walked the floor of the Astrodome

    I call BullS**t!!!!! (on the JWs that told this story, not on the parent poster above).

    This reminds me of the time, after 9/11, when the official Watchtower story was that Brothers in NYC were walking around Ground Zero, offering their "delightful, correct words of truth".

    Pure, and utter BS, at least for Ground Zero, that's for sure. Ground Zero was a close crime scene. The biggest, most important crime scene, in USA's history. Do you really think that the FBI, CIA, etc, was going to let just anyone in to walk around? Even firefighters who worked Ground Zero were not allowed their once their shift was complete. To suggest that JWs were allowed in is PURE BS!!!

    As for the Astrodome.... let me see... after days of stories about looting, people stealing other people's food & water, etc, am I to believe that the authorities let just any Tom, Dick, Harry, or JW, into the Dome???? I think NOT!!!

    ~Quotes, of the "rational analysis" class

  • upside/down

    u/d(of the make me spew class)

  • lonelysheep

    What B.S.! They realize people are at their most vulnerable points in life, questioning their spirituality, and jump in to up their hours. That makes me sick.

  • BrendaCloutier

    JW Urban Legend.

  • bisous

    BrendaC- Your post piqued my curiousity ... so I went to to see if there was any validity to this story:

    Some evacuees see religious message in Katrina 04 Sep 2005 21:18:37 GMT Source: Reuters
    (Adds Baton Rouge service, paragraphs 18-19, edits)

    By Adam Tanner

    HOUSTON, Sept 4 (Reuters) - In the last week, Joseph Brant lost his apartment, walked by scores of dead in the streets, traversed pools of toxic water and endured an arduous journey to escape the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in his hometown New Orleans.

    On Sunday, he was praising the Lord, saying the ordeal was a test that ended up dispelling his lifelong distrust of white people and setting his life on a new course. He said he hitched a ride on Friday in a van driven by a group of white folks.

    "Before this whole thing I had a complex about white people; this thing changed me forever," said Brant, 36, a truck driver who, like many of the refugees receiving public assistance in Houston, Texas, is black.

    "It was a spiritual experience for me, man," he said of the aftermath of a catastrophe al Qaeda-linked Web sites called evidence of the "wrath of God" striking an arrogant America.

    Brant was one of many refugees across Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi who gave thought to religion on Sunday, almost a week after the floods changed their lives, perhaps forever.

    At the Astrodome in Houston, where 16,000 refugees received food and shelter, Rose McNeely took the floods as a sign from God to move away from New Orleans, where she said her two grown children had been killed in past years in gunfights.

    "I lost everything I had in New Orleans," she said. "He brought me here because he knows."

    Nearby, others looked for a different kind of higher ground and smoked marijuana in the shade outside the Astrodome.

    Inside, Gerald Greenwood, 55, had collected a free Bible but sat watching a science fiction television program above the stands in an enclosed stadium once home to Houston's baseball and football teams. "This is the work of Satan right here," he said of the floods.

    The Bible was one of the few books many of the refugees had among their possessions. Several Jehovah's Witnesses walked around thousands of cots to offer their services.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    I wonder what the message was; "The next time this happens & you survive you will be in a paradise earth"?

    After all, these poor people have lost everything and so they can't afford the WT publications.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    """""The Bible was one of the few books many of the refugees had among their possessions. Several Jehovah's Witnesses walked around thousands of cots to offer their services."""""

    one of the few books ..... most of the books were WT & awake!
    Several - meaning 5-10 - 20?
    walked around thousands.... i.e. no stopping
    to offer..... but no takers.
    services .... fake samaritan work

    good report - thanks


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