What's the most exotic food you've ever eaten?

by Dimples 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Don't you find cold baked beans make you fart real bad, or does this just apply to blokes?

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Antelope- Tough, very gamey, and tasted strongly of sagebrush.

    Black bear- Also very tough, not so gamey, reminded me of pork.

    Moose- This was a young animal and the meat was very tender and delicious.

    Aligator-Freshwater tuna.


    Elk- Mild flavored and very tasty.

    Haggis- I would rather eat a bucket of cold feces than try this vile stuff again.

    Octopus and squid-Rubbery but very tasty.

    Wild boar-Pork, duh.

    Sea urchin-Vile in every way.

    Balluit (sp?)- A nasty Phillipine dish that basically consists of a duck egg with an unhatched baby duck inside that is boiled, peeled, and eaten whole, beak, feet, feathers, and all. Ugh.

    My G-friend's dad used to drink chicken blood. WTF?

    I like to cook with fish sauce but it is wretched the way it is made. Basically they put a whole fish in a sock, hang it in the sun, what drips out the bottom is collected and bottled. Wow.

  • damselfly

    I'd rather not say

    But my Grandmother did teach me the bean song

    Beans beans, the musical fruit! The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feeeelllllllllll!!!! and then you're ready for another meal!

    You may hold your applause.


  • ballistic

    LOL! In England it's "Heinz Beans, good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart"

  • damselfly

    Yup! We've got that one too, but the other is more fun don't you think? Especially when you're 4.


  • hubert

    I've had ground up "ox lung", on potatoes... Not too bad, till you we found out what it was.

    Also had fried "whale blubber". Tasted like custard. Pretty good.

    I've also had (I think they are called) "perrywinkles". They are delicious. They are small sea snails, and you boil them in their shell, then take a straight pin, and pull them out and eat the whole thing. yummy !!

    Kinda looks like a big booger, though.


  • talesin

    Hubert, my dad likes them raw. *gulp, shudder*

  • Satanus

    Raw salmon, raw tuna, otherwise known as sushi A few times, when i was a kid, my mom cooked chicken feet. I ate 'em. The chickens weren't too happy, though


  • ballistic

    I've been eating winkles since I was a toddler but I thought they always had to be boiled?

  • talesin

    Well, people eat raw oysters all the time and think nothing of it, ball.

    They are GROSS,,, all raw fish is gross (well, to me, that's all, lol, can you tell I don't eat sushi!)

    I think my dad loves teh gross-out factor! heheh, still a big kid, even at 72.


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