What's the most exotic food you've ever eaten?

by Dimples 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy
    Well, people eat raw oysters all the time and think nothing of it, ball.

    I used to eat them as a kid without thinking twice. We'd shuck one open and slurp it down alive (I just recently realized that they're still alive when fresh). I don't think I could do it now.

    I went to a fair this summer and saw something really disgusting. There was a stand serving 'oyster shots'. It basically consists of a raw oyster, tobasco sauce, and vodka. The guy running the stand was claiming all kinds of health benefits, but the thought of it alone made me gag.

  • talesin

    lol, lee! Well, at least it's not gonads!

    Sonny, yah, that's how Dad got started with it ,,, he would eat the live scallops when shucking, and it was a natural progression to oysters ...


  • bisous

    tales ... so WHAT already... ya didn't like MY special dish???

  • talesin

    bis,,, that sounds like quite a mouthful!

  • bisous

    Tales, that's more like it! and yes, it DID quite fill me up....

  • talesin


  • jwfacts

    The most exotic thing was turtle and sea slugs.

    I am really dissappointed because once i was offered Dugong (a protected animal only allowed to be killed by islanders) but didnt eat it as a JW because they are not bled but suffocated. Apparantly they are like pig, but have three layers of fat.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Mountain oysters

  • doofdaddy

    Crickets, silkworms, goanna (a type of lizard)

    Bang Lassi (a marijuana bud ground up in yoghurt like a milkshake) surprisingly tasty but long lasting after effects!!

    Popular in India and Asia

  • hamsterbait

    Snails - Delicious!

    There is a famed restaurant in Madrid that does the best testicles in town, tender and succulent.

    Also while in Spain I tried that cheese - I forget its name now, but it is kept warm and suppurating until it is full of wriggling white maggots. Just spread it on crusty bread. Like rotting roquefort except I was sure I could feel some of the critters wriggling in my belly.

    If I go to China I want to try the live freshwater shrimp. They leap about after you dip them in the chili sauce!

    HB (of the stuffing his cheek pouches going out the door class)

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