Medical Emergency!!

by OUTLAW 16 Replies latest jw experiences


    Ok guy`s,this is my last post for a while.So I`m going to do a topic to gross you all out..LOL!..What is the worst medical emergency you`ve had,that you`ve had to take care of yourselves?..I`ve had many.As I sometimes live in the "Canadian Wilderness",I have to be my own docter.Lately I cut my hand badly,could have used about 8 stitch`s.I closed the wound up myself.Then I broke a tooth,what was left had to be I pulled it..Friggin blood everywhere,and a nice chunk of flesh on the tooth I just pulled.LOL!...Take care of yourselves`m going to miss you,but I`ll be back..Now post something really gross..LOL!!....OUTLAW

  • damselfly


    Um.....this one time? I tripped and bruised my shin? and then I was fine.

    I don't tend to hurt myself specatularly. Just stupidly thru clumsiness.


  • PopeOfEruke

    My kid's a med student and he watched a doctor give an injection to an Aids patient- the injection was right in the eyeball!!!



  • Kenneson

    You need to stop hurting yourself like this. And do come back to us in one piece.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Where are you off to, outlaw??

    Does anyone know??

    (Hope it's not an organ transplant...)

  • Elsewhere

    *** Faints dead cold on the floor ***

  • Ingenuous

    Whew! I think you've got most of us beat, Outlaw. I cut my hand open trying to open a bottle of nailpolish for my Mom - the cap was stuck and the bottle broke while I was trying to open it. The cut was nasty and I had to get one of those kits from the drugstore that you use instead of stitches, but my hand was a very pretty color!

  • Dimples

    I burned my arm trying to take dinner out of the oven. My arm stuck to the oven door and I had to pull it off. My skin turned white. Boy did that hurt and for some time too!


  • mkr32208

    Where to start where to start... I usually get medical treatment but I have had some pretty bad injuries! Once I fell off a cliff while climbing in NY and a piece of shale went right into my upper thigh... (read ass cheek) I didn't realize how bad the cut was cause it was right in the fat it felt like a scrape so I was rubbing it really hard and realized my fingers were going INTO my leg... yellow fat all running down my leg... pretty gross! Then I had to climb up to the road and hike 2 miles or so home to go to hospital... 28 stiches!

    I've had lots of climbing stunts that resulted in stitches but thats the grossest one...

    I was working for North florida recycling taking 2x4s off of some big metal shelving from Home Depot and on the end of each 10 foot shelf leg there was teeth like on a bed that lock into hold the shelf together so there's this huge pile of shelves like 15-20 feet high and somehow it tips over and one of the pieces on the bottom ROCKETS out and the teeth go right between the tib/fib bones in my leg and LOCK IN! So I have to lift UP before I can pull the teeth out! The set of teeth are maybe two inches high but 3 in a row and maybe 2 inches deep... and there was the weight of the whole stack on top of the one in my leg... 18 metal staples that time...

    I dropped a 5 ton a/c unit on my toe while working for carson refrigeration... That was ugly... I used to wear disposable contacts and never took them out so I had CONSTANT eye infections one was so bad that I couldn't get the contact out it was stuck to my eyeball so bad that it was like stretching my eyeball to get it out... Thank god for Lasiks! Best surgery EVER! I was shooting a automatic at the range and went to pop the top to clean it and it kicked back (rugers are really tight) and cut my hand open from thumb to wrist... I didnt go to the doctors for that so I have a hell of a scar!

    Thats all I can think off right now!

  • Carmel

    Joining Else!


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