Never been wrong, so I don't know.
Can You Apologize When You Are Wrong?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know min, I've never seen you apologise but I've seen you be "wrong" and I know it's sometimes been pointed out to you. Yet never is an apology forthcoming, just more lame "questions" that are not really questions at all.
I apologize for you being rude to many members of this board unnecessarily. I apologize to newbies that see the actions that go on here at times and are scared away. I apologize that I have put up with your belittling and abusiveness and I want you to know that I'm so sorry that you never liked my "lame questions" all these years.
They never admit to mistakes. And if they do, more often than not,obvious sincerity is lacking
Thanks for the good example of what you describe in your first post.
Tell me, do people ever apologise to me when they are rude to me? If someone sends me abusive PMs and abusive Emails do you think they should apologise for that?
If not, why not? If so, are you disappointed that people do not do this?
Maybe you could start a question ... "Why haven't you apologised to Simon for being a prick".
Like others on here, I tend to apologise too much......sorry!
Like others on here, I tend to apologise too much......sorry!
That's the British trait ... someone can walk right into us and hat's the first thing we say? "Oh, I'm sorry". We're just too polite for our own good.
It's true, Blondie is never wrong. So she can't have had much practice.
Me, I have no problem admitting when I'm w....w.....w.......w......wrong.
Simon, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you just don't get it! You are insulting and you regularly put people and their opinions down. Maybe you're even hurt by how people are treating you. But take a look at the reason. Most people that I know of that know you have said you're a good guy. But something happens here that makes you the "prick"---not everyone else. Examine yourself and see what's happening here. It's a shame, my friend. -
Thanks. My self-examination is going well. I'm now up to my knee-caps and have decided to take a break and watch TV for a while. It's thirsty work too so I may have a beer.
Perhaps people constantly harping on about one thing or the other can be a little draining and tiresome. Have you ever considered that?
I'm sure you think the latest minimus masterpiece making a not-too-subtle dig at something Simon has said is quite amusing but by now I have read it all before and you are too predictable to be even mildly amusing. Now, add a few more people doing the same thing, some bitching, some following me round trying to jump on everything I utter or monitoring what I post so they can immediately reappear shouting "Look, look everybody, look ... Simon said [whatever the flavour of the day is]".
Do you think that could get a little grating after a while? Do you think that maybe, just possibly, I have the right to vent a little?
If you don't then I don't really care because you are just a little M&M and I prefer Minstrels.
Perhaps people constantly harping on about one thing or the other can be a little draining and tiresome. Have you ever considered that?
Yes I have. And I'm sure we would be just as, if not more, fed up with it than you are. "Simon deleted my post...blah blah..." Honestly who cares about most of the fluff on the board anyway?I just wish you didn't vent with the type of posts that got things going the other night and the results that followed, is all.
I just wish we could all feel on the same side of being against the WT and not one another or each others country.