Questions for Jgnat

by Shining One 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    What? What? Where's the sniping? I answered all the questions. Now, back to A.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    .....His arrogant proclamations are mind-blowing for sure, but I think the result is clarity, not chaos.

    I heard a good joke the other day, how is this for clarity?
    If a man speaks in the forest and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong? LOL I can't wait to hear the feminazis howl now.


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hey Dan,
    Why is it that Christians cannot defend their beliefs without being slandered?
    >My head just exploded. Given the general tone of SO's posts, this is as pot-calling-the-kettle-black as one could possibly imagine.
    You cheered on the 'booted out and banned' AlanF when he did much worse than anyone like me has done. You are simply too dishonest to admit your own hypocrisy.

  • jgnat

    I said that back on September 10, page 2. We are now on page 7. This debate will go nowhere if you don't answer A. Are you drinking?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hey Steven,
    What kind of debate are you going to have with someone who denies the very basis for what she claims to believe? Actually, I hope you who are agnostic are taking notes here. You have been given the best example of your potential opponent's weaknesses. You are actually on the same side so as her in many ways. I suppose it will be a nice debate where Jgnat denies scripture, denies doctrine, and agrees with the opponents enough to get another 'pat on the back'! LOL
    For Gnat,
    "Oh, you're such a good Christian, Jgnat. You don't practice any part of Christianity that we disagree with. You agree with us, so we respect you! Those who people who take their faith so seriously are just offensive and bigoted." Is that how it is, Jgnat?

  • jgnat

    That covers it. You're drinking. Or snapping. Or both.

  • jgnat

    Here is part of a response I received from OSO/Rex by PM.

    I hope and pray that I can reach you. This you do have permission to post if you like. I deemed it more loving to not post it. You are backed into a corner and it has accomplished nothing for me to sound belligerent. I realize that the posts can be so misunderstood. It is also too easy to view our debates in a non-personal and harsh way. I am sure that you are a nice woman who is well meaning and I apologize if I have hurt you. I have answered this last post in a very blunt fashion.

    I will not debate with you privately, Rex. You should know that words, once out of the gate, cannot be taken back. You must live by the fruit of your lips as must I.

    By the way, I did not become a Christian to be 'nice'. I take Jesus' commands very seriously, and I work very hard to live by them.

  • LittleToe


    I back up my actions with scripture and it is in context.

    This early comment of your's betrays you. You have it arse about tit.

  • jgnat

    Hey, Little Toe! Great to see you around!

    My nephew just got married in the family kilt. He carried it well, I think he will carry our name well too. It was nice to play lip service to our grand roots for an evening. Only one woman paid to take a peek.

  • acadian

    Man , I've read the posts, and my head is spinning!

    One thing I know Jesus wasn't a Christian, and I do belive that he once said that those who worship God, would worship him with "Spirit and Truth".

    The "Bible" words written by men, and rewritten, copied, transcribed, copied some more...

    Ever play the game telephone?

    Is there truth in the Bible? sure, but most people miss it's point!

    There's only two things I see in the Bible that matter.
    Love God, Heart, mind and soul and all your strength. (If you believe in God) and if you don't...
    Love your neighbor as yourself . I could be wrong but I think Jesus said that covers the whole LAW

    Oh, and by the way I'm not a christian or any other belief, but I try to follow the truths Jesus taught.

    Kind Regards

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