because the bone on my spine below my neck between the shoulders is aching. what should i do? also i ate 4 cheese pizzas, a steak, and fried rice for dinner and i didnt exercise any except ride the bike. is this good or bad? i'm working out tomorrow.
i think i did squats wrong!!!
by tsunami_rid3r 10 Replies latest jw friends
i ate 4 cheese pizzas, a steak, and fried rice for dinner (...) is this good or bad?
I think you should have thrown in a gallon of ice cream too.
'Train the movement not the muscle', my freind. I would be concerned if you've got pain there. Get someone to help you with your form. It doesn't matter about the weight so much.
That's alot of food dude cut it in half and its still too much.
dude...are you for real?
Squats are one of those exercise that you MUST get right. Form is everything or you can do some serious damage. DON'T do anymore unless you have monitored instruction.
As to the food, I echo devinsmom's remark.... Are you for real? FOUR CHEESE PIZZAS? HELLO!
good lord. i would get a head start on your studies since you most likely already have your text books.
ive studied like 5 hours today, read, homework, etc. and thats 4 SLICES. my fat ass roommate decided we should get 4 large pizzas. i had to take all of my snap lock plates and put all the pizzas in there so they could be stored in the small fridge. and also so it wouldnt stink up the room.
lol, well that makes more sense! 4 slices, yes.
I am concerned about the squats, though. You know, it's easy to do damage that will be permanent. Can we have some feedback on your thoughts about that? (since you asked our advice, and we do care)
You probably just pulled a muscle. Just relaxation should do it, maybe a bit of massage and cold packs. If you think that you may have dislocated a vertabra, there is an exercise that would probably fix it. To do it, lay on your back on the floor. Put your feet up in the air, legs almost straight. Raise your hands up an place them on your legs. Now, rock back and forth on your back, back arched. Rock far enough so that the floor contacts the area you are oncerned about. You should feel some of the vertabae clicking a bit. For extra straightening power, fill your lungs w air. Afterward, just lay on your back for 30 seconds or so, relaxing. I fell on my head a couple of times when i was a kid That gave me a bad spot in my back, between the shoulder blades, and i use this to fix it.
thanks guys. im really paranoid about eating right now. at the gym they got a smoothie store, and i've been getting fruit smoothies with doses of protein. i hope its not fattening. im trying to get the pizza out of the fridge ASAP. maybe i should just let the fatty roommate eat it all.