WTBTS Innocent in Swaggart Case?

by troubled 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    The WTS is simply just like any other PR/Marketing firm which maximizes positives and minimizes negatives.

    The issue in this situation is that the WTS changed its distribution methods solely due to a change in tax law. However, it was presented to the R&F as another progression in the right direction at Jah's behest.

    If the WTS was being directed by Jah, and He wanted them to change their distribution methods, then why were they actively trying to influence the USSC's decision in the other direction?

  • Moxy

    re subscriptions

    the subscriptions were cancelled 'as such,' as such being individual subscriptions mailed to the houses by the post obtained for set amounts. (remember the folded brown envelopes?) the arrangement changed to individual subscriptions sent to the cong.s along with the regular literature orders. the need to seperate these two types of orders became increasingly unclear as the arrival dates for the subs and the orders became closer and ultimately synced. the only difference was the time taken to attach all these labels to some of the cong magazine supply. eventually this was discontinued for all but non-publisher subscriptions (1999 or so?)
    also, with regards to the change made in 1990, its a bit more than changing from a set donation to an unspecified donation, altho thats generally all that was understood by r&f. the need was stressed to completely divorce the donation from the literature. this is indicated partly in the letter but subsequent CO visits made this increasingly clear. eg the phrase 'to cover the costs of printing' which was so common beforehand became taboo. the opportunity for a donation was NOT to cover the costs of literature in any way (ostensibly), but was a simply a donation to the work that had no connection to the literature just handed to the householder other than that in followed it by about 3 seconds. additionally, it was forbidden to make any reference to the householder of the 'old' arrangement or of the previously suggested donation, as though the new voluntary donation was in any way replacing the old method. it was simply, 'fine, here's your literature without cost - pause - and by the way, on a completely unrelated topic, i might mention how our work is supported...'


  • MadApostate


    Do me a favor, and kiss my ass! I really getting tired of you "reaching" for any possible thing you can to paint me in a bad light.

    I don't see the need to comment on every statement in every response.

    To agree with the statement you quote, one would have to extend that conclusion to every court case the WTS has ever been involved in. To say that it was improper for the WTS to try to influence the USSC's opinion in this Tax case is to say they should not have fought the civil rights cases back in the 1930s/40s/50s, or any other case for that matter.

    To agree with your conclusion, one would have to say that the WTS should accept whatever lame decision is forced on them by local government, be it tax depts, police, etc. If that is your position, "fine".

  • AlanF

    Blow me, MadApostate.

    Just as I expected, you misrepresented what I said and failed to deal with the most meaty issue here, as stated by Gozz.

    Just can't bring yourself to condemn Mommy for lying to the friends, can you? Of course not; being part of Mommy you'd be condemning yourself.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Again, mad, nobody begrudges the Society its legal right to fight in court on any issue if feels threatens its interests. The whole point is that it's reprehensible to misrepresent the facts to a hopelessly naive, trusting, worshipful, uncritical membership.
    In their explanation to the rank and file they sugarcoated a change in policy that was forced down their throats, and which they went to court to fight -- as a noble-minded voluntary act on their part to increase the distance between them and Babylon the Great!

    Chrissakes, how hard is this?

  • MadApostate

    Room: What the hell did I say in the post at the top of this page?

    AlanF: As Adrian Kronaur said in GMV, you in more need of a bj than any whiteman....

  • Flip
    Just don't lie about it.

    Or, put another way when having to deal with the WTB&TS,

    “…Please (WTB&TS)don't lie to me, unless you're absolutely sure I'll never find out the truth.” – anon.


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