by Mary 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Hard as it is to believe, our increasingly brain-dead government is seriously considering allowing Sharia Law to pass in Cana-duh. For those who aren't familiar with this Islamic Law, it's an "arbitration" that allows Muslims the opportunity to settle disputes concerning family, property and other civil issues in a forum that considers their cases against the backdrop of the Qur'an and Muslim interpretation.

    In other words, Muslim women and children here in Canada, a supposedly free country, will become shit under their husbands robes if he so chooses. Apologists who are determined to ignore what Islam is really all about whine that Christians and Jews can arbitrate domestic disputes within their faiths, and apparently, Marion Boyd (former Attorney General in Ontario who's a complete moron) sees no fundamental difference between them and sharia law for Muslims.

    In reality, there is a hell of a lot of difference. Christians and Jews don't discriminate against women the way Sharia law does by violating fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution for equal treatment. Under "some" interpretations of Sharia, a woman who is raped is guilty of "tempting the man". Showing an ankle is tantamount to enticement. A Muslim husband has the right -- duty even -- to beat his wife if she's disobedient. A Muslim who converts to Christianity technically could face a death sentence. Of course, this could never happen in Canada..............right?

    For the fanaticals, as with the Taliban of Afghanistan, on select Fridays in Kabul women who were found guilty of violating any minute part of the Sharia law -- like leaving their houses, or showing any part of their faces -- were taken to the football stadium to be publically beaten or shot. But of course, this could never happen in Canada..........right? Even if it didn't, there is no doubt that Islamic men would have even more leeway than they do now in ruling his wife with a rod if the mood takes him.

    Marion Boyd has chosen to ignore those who have first hand experience with this Sharia law, insisting that it should pass. She ignored the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, which pleaded with her to reject sharia and stick with Canadian law.........of course, what would these women know about living under the boot of a fanatical Islam?? Many have come here to escape the tyranny of sharia. Even scarier is the idea that Ontario's decision would be trumpeted throughout the Islamic world as vindication and acceptance of Sharia. "It will be presented as Canada adopting sharia law -- not just a segment of it, but all of it. And it will be used by militants as propaganda to expand its extreme principles."

    Sharia law has no place in civilized society, no matter how benignly it is depicted. It dates back to the 14th century and does not treat the sexes equally. Period. It is not religious freedom, it is religious oppression.

    I weep for the future of this country.............

  • Finally-Free

    I just read about this and it's making me sick. I don't have a problem with religious freedom - to a point. IMHO, a person should have the right to believe whatever he or she wants. The right to practice or act upon those beliefs is quite another issue when it encroaches on the rights, freedoms, beliefs, health and life of others.

    When a religious law is in conflict with a secular law, the secular law should always win.


  • lawrence

    Sharia law is the encapsulation of male as God. Women and children are equals to cattle. Ottawa (the government central) is filthy, as regards greed and bribes, look at Canadian immigation laws, and then look at who is allowed to stay in Canada. Sharia should never be considered by a FREE COUNTRY, but then again, Canada is becoming a fledgling of the perverted Patriot Act, but with twists and turns (Sharia without Al Qaeda - still vicious for women and children).

  • Scully
    I don't have a problem with religious freedom - to a point. IMHO, a person should have the right to believe whatever he or she wants. The right to practice or act upon those beliefs is quite another issue when it encroaches on the rights, freedoms, beliefs, health and life of others.

    When a religious law is in conflict with a secular law, the secular law should always win.

    The problem with "orthodox" Islam - the more extreme, fundamentalist groups - is that the women who end up being targets for abuse have been brought up to believe that this is Allah's way for them to live, and that their place in their version of the afterlife is dependent upon being submissive to their fathers and husbands. They have been brainwashed to believe that what happens to them under sharia law is God's Will. They don't necessarily like what happens to them, but they believe that their quiet submission is the right path - and the ONLY path - to the afterlife.

    The thing is, there are resources available for women who want to get out of that environment, but very much like JWs, those who do take advantage of protective resources will find themselves to be outcasts in their own community. So many of these women have inadequate language skills, no job skills, are functionally illiterate, and have no access to financial resources. Their only social structure is the Muslim community, other women in similar circumstances, who are also disinclined to discuss any abusive situation they find themselves in. They distrust our educational system, so their children go to Muslim schools, and the cycle perpetuates itself.

    How do we reach these women? We don't speak their language and they don't speak ours. They have been taught to distrust us, the same way JWs taught us to distrust the secular authorities as under the control of the devil. I have been strongly considering taking a course in Arabic - I don't know how many times I've had Arabic speaking women as patients, who couldn't speak a word of English or French, who relied on their husbands to translate for them and then the husbands leave the hospital for the night and leave behind a woman who is obviously afraid of her own shadow, much less able to advocate for herself and her child. Until we can break through that language barrier, Muslim women are going to be trapped behind their veils.... behind the hijab.

  • coffee_black

    Scariest of all, it is the goal of the extremists to force the rest of the world to adopt their beliefs... and kill those who refuse. Politicians are asleep at the wheel....most don't get it. In the interests of "diversity" the extremists are making inroads all over the world.

    No one seems to care or even notice for that matter. Maybe when all women are required to wear burquas (sp?) they'll wake up. It'll be too late then.


  • upside/down

    Cheezus Mary...there you go pickin on those poor fundy "Muslim" men and their belief system...

    Uppity "christian" bitch... I think you need a good beating...yeah...that'd straighten your ass out in hurry...

    Thanks for the update...(Cana-duh...I l like it)...nice to see that Canadian whores politicians are as good as ours.

    u/d(of the they'll do anything to be PC class)

  • Mary
    Uppity "christian" bitch... I think you need a good beating...yeah...that'd straighten your ass out in a hurry

    LMAO @ u/d............go ahead baby..........MAKE-MY-DAY.

  • upside/down
  • kwintestal

    The strong female voices in Canada have been speaking out about this since the idea was proposed. It isn't so much the concept of the law as it is the Muslim gender inequality. A person would have the option to be tried under either law, Canada's or Sharia, however it is felt that pressure by the community would push a Muslim woman to choose the Sharia option instead of the provincial or federal laws.


  • Mary
    A person would have the option to be tried under either law, Canada's or Sharia, however it is felt that pressure by the community would push a Muslim woman to choose the Sharia option instead of the provincial or federal laws.

    Exactly. And we all know how wonderful Islamic laws are when it comes to women. What would people think if the WTS wanted a law passed here that allowed them to practice their own brand of laws under the guise of "religious freedom"?? What would we think if the Governing Body wanted to be allowed to let men physically beat their wives and children for disobeying him? What if they wanted the Right to stone anyone who questioned the Governing Body?? What if they wanted the right to settle this issue of child molestation strictly within the 'laws' of the WTS?? Think this would ever pass?

    I'm sick to death of politicians becoming more and more fanatical about being "politically correct" when it comes to crap like this. At times like this, I'm almost glad I never had children because I hate to think of what this country's going to be like in another 30 years.

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