The Extremely Rich, What do they do with it?

by joelbear 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I'm comfortable but by no means rich. I own just about everything I could possibly want. I have travelled all over the US and some of Canada. I have plenty to entertain myself with.

    What do people who have billions of dollars do with it all? Even millions of dollars? I think I could buy and do everything I could possibly imagine doing with $5 Million, maybe 10.

    I am a pretty simple person to please I guess. But I just couldn't have all that money and enjoy it when others are starving, in pain, have no education, homeless, etc. I should do more than I do with what I have.

  • Billygoat
    I am a pretty simple person to please I guess. But I just couldn't have all that money and enjoy it when others are starving, in pain, have no education, homeless, etc. I should do more than I do with what I have.

    I think all of us could do more in some way or another, whether financial support or giving time. It doesn't take a lot to lift another's spirits. Sending an encouraging email is cheap and takes 2 minutes. Having coffee with a local homeless person doesn't cost but a few dollars, but could be enough to give them hope for that day. 100 people donating $5 a piece can make a difference to someone who doesn't have anything.

    Mozz and I have always said that if we won the lotto we'd still be poor. I want to help pay for my cousin's college tuition. I want to set up trust funds for our nephews. I want to help my brother Josh finish his colledge education. I want to get out of debt for myself. I want to get my own photography studio. I want to help my best friend pay off her college loans. I want to start schools in downtrodden areas to teach people to start their own companies to help build their economy. much to do, so little money to do it with. LOL!

  • daystar

    I am not of the class of which you speak. However, I can guess that old money looks to the wealth of its progeny and maintaining its class position. They certainly do not have a mind to use all the money they've amassed. That is primarily nouveau riche or underclass thinking.

  • joelbear

    yeah, even spending it would be better than hoarding it, at least then it would stimulate the economy.

  • Qcmbr

    If we live in the west 'most' of us are rich beyond our wildest dreams - we just don't realise it. I'm in an comfortable job now but I have been way below the poverty line and yet even then I just about had enough to eat, I was able to sleep in a comfortable bed, had shoes, could turn the tap on and get clean water etc... We live in such a marvelous age we forget just how wealthy we are. The only thing I truly envy of the mega rich is:

    1/ Being out of debt
    2/ Total freedom to experience what money can buy (and I don't mean bad stuff ;)
    3/ The ability to help who , where and when I want.

    The 'richer' I get though the more I find myself wasting money on whims which is scary.

  • confusedjw

    Rich people, Well I like to lay out 1000 dollar bills and use them a mats - which I then pay to have thrown away. And I know how Michael Jackson spends his, but the rest are mystery to me as well....

  • Terry

    People with Money ($) have a different set of values than people without it.

    I can tell you first hand the values are different. Extremely.

    Money is the "means" to an end on the one hand and the end itself on the other.

    Lottery winners are often broke within five years or less. They lose their friends too. Jealousy and bitterness often comes with winning a fortune. Why? The poor do not understand what money is and act accordingly.

    The wealthy have a different set of manners, society, support networks and education than the poor in more ways than you can count.

    The poor often resent those with money. They think that money should be "shared" with those termed "less fortunate". The wealthy look at life as an opportunity you must seize and make the most of which entails CREATING wealth, not being given it by those who have more.

    The poor do not understand the concept of "earn" when it comes to interest. They often see Savings as an impossible task that causes them to have to postpone gratifications. The wealthy understand that debt is a noose around the neck of your future.

    The wealthy and the poor are almost two different species.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    You see those eccentric idiots that try to make from one point on Earth to a certain distance without stopping? Those are the ones with too much money and time in their hands!


  • jgnat

    One Tropicana Orange Juice is yummy. A frosty case of Tropicana Orange Juice is a blessing. A lifetime supply starts to get boring, and three warehouses full is overkill. I think billionaires work hard to keep money fun. Part of the fun is giving it away. There's even a special name for it, philanthropy.

    From what I can see, the very wealthy have bigger toys like a new airplaine instead of a new car. Case in point, John Travolta.

    They also likely spend a fair amount for privacy, perhaps one of the more precious commodities on earth. Did you know one can buy a Residential Ocean Liner and nobody need know where you are on the planet?

  • daystar

    Terry, I could hardly have said it better myself.

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