Your post made me laugh. I needed that. Thanks
by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends
Your post made me laugh. I needed that. Thanks
I wish it was true. Sometimes I believe it. Most of the time I don't.
I think that "thy kingdom come" is an attitude that we can adopt. Sort of like the bumper sticker that sez "Think Globally, Act Locally". "Pay It Forward". "Live Simply That Others May Simply Live".
If everyone practiced what they preached we would all live in more peaceful loving place.
How much does it cost to smile at a passerby? Make small-talk or joke with a groceryclerk. Allow someone in a hurry to pass, or allow someone on the left go ahead of you at the "right of way".
I still do, its God and Jesus by way of the bible that promises the kingdom not the watchtower, but when the kingdom comes it won't be because the Watchtower said so. I stand stand in the middle of the desert and say "One day it will rain", when rain finally does come it won't mean I was a Prophet
The word Utopia comes to mind. Whenever we use it we both express our longing for the impossible and acknowledge its impossibility. Denying either is fooling ourselves imo.
the kingdom of JehDawkins, yes. i pray to thin air twice a day.
Well, if the Kingdom to come is anything like the Paradise Earth that the JWs are waiting for, then I do not want to be there. I just saw a photo in a Watchtower of what JWs think the new world will look like. They depict a man in a garden using garden tools to work !!! Hey, I don't want to work in "Paradise". "Paradise" should be a place to relax and enjoy...not a place to work your fingers to the bone in the hot sun. It just doesn't look like a good place to be. I can stay in this crappy broken-down world we have NOW and break my back in my own yard. I don't need a "Paradise" to get me exhausted too. Geesh.....
Not the WTS Kingdumb, but the Kingdom of God.
I believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
Love, faith, and hope.
2 Commandments (Love God, Love Neighbor).
1 God.
It's so simple, there are no more reasons for theologies.
No, the bible god's kingdom is not coming. The bible god will not be doing any resurrecting. The world will probably keep on getting better, but who really knows. As a jw, i knew. As a christian, i had faith that i knew. Since then, i thought i knew that it would get better. But, i find that what i know is growing less all the time.
A Kingdom where I would be nothing but a lowly peon ruled by a tyrannical baby-killing vengeful and vindictive God who would grind my bones to dust without so much as an afterthought should I do something so heinous as break wind.....
no thank you!