The October 1, 2005 Watchtower slams higher education in a 5 page analysis on why it is better to pioneer than go to college. I recieved this WT today and I was shocked by the statements in there. I can fax a copy to anyone who wants it. It is truly disturbing
WT Against Higher Education...Again
by Jeannine 40 Replies latest jw experiences
If anybody has trouble with receiving faxes and scans, there are some excerpts in a thread on another board here:
Yet another flip-flop on the part of the WTS.
I was sitting in class today ( I actually took a 4 hour Saturday morning class) thinking about how sad the JW college situation is. In the "truth" we are trained to be perfect students. The Ministry School trains us well in English Comp, communication, and public speaking. Our note taking and info retention skills are perfected at Assemblies and Conventions. Yet the WTS denies it's members the full use of these skills.
That's the only benefit I've achieved from my life in the organization, good student skills.
I just read that article today. There is no point in there that was not hammered into JW children and parents in the late 60's and 70's. It is just that they allowed a little wiggle room over the last 15 years or so but it has come back to haunt them.
Parents may see the sons and daughters of their friends and relatives move a head in professional careers and enjoy SEEMINGLY sucessful lives. (p 26).
Many who heard about Jesus gladly set aside personal pursuits--even careers...were those disciples taking a risk and endangeringing their future?
Some parents, however, are ambivalent...they would like to see their children make advancement in Jehovah's service...on the other hand..they feel that it is important for young ones to get a good education first...desirable job or at least have something to fall back on if needed. To such parents a good education often means higher education. (p 27)
"higher education"--university or college for four or more years...medicine, law, engineering, and so forth (p 27)
swept along by the spirit of competition for material advancement and success (p 28)
cost..qualified students do not have to pay fees or tuition...strings attached...students pay is a life engrossed in advancing the present system (p 28)
environment--bad behavior--drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, hazing...(p 28)
of course, immorality, bad behavior and pressures are by no means limited to the college or university campus. However many wordly youths view all such things merely as part of the education, and they think nothing of it (p 30) (do they think they students at community colleges are any different, or union trades, or in an office job?)
popular opinion is that for young people to succeed, the only option is to get a university education (p 30)
acute need...for people to work in the trades and service (31)
associate degree from a community college or some type of technical repair, computer repair, plumbing, hairdressing...not as glamourous (p 31)
Sex, drugs, sex, alcohol, sex, material advancement, and success sounds good to a 17 year old person raised by Witness parents. The Society is actually promoting college by reverse psychology.
Name one elder who was operated on by a doctor who had not been to college, or taken an elevator in a 30 story building built by an engineer with only a high school education, or been represented by an attorney who didn't go to college AND law school, and I'll buy into this. Just one! -
fools and fools who follow them.
What I hate about this is that youngsters will be expected to decide in line with what their parents tell them to decide. Even though it is the kids who will be living with the consequences of their decisions under duress 30 years later when the system is still here. ( Remember Asleep! May 22 1969, p15?)
AHAHH!!!!! I have just thought - the WTS looks as if it has been recycling policy every 35 - 40 years!
Colporteurs, then Millions , etc, then blah - they seem to bring a teaching ( such as "don't get married") round after the previous batch of single suckers have given up and left through disillusionment, so they cannot discourage the youngest batch of potential suckers.
Same with higher education, they seemed to soften their view in 1992, so the victims of the 1960 s scam would leave in disgust and disappointment because their lives were ruined. Now there is a new crop of youngsters unlikely to hear anything negative about this stand, because those who might enlighten them are dead or labeled apostos...
I am so glad that I was DF'd and decided not to go back when my son was so young. He's now at a State university studying civil engineering. Getting DF'd was a lucky break both for me, and for my son.
On another note - my mom has relayed a few comments the "friends" have made about my son going to college. In her defense - she doesn't tell me to make me feel guilty, she tells me because it ticks her off. She's proud of him and she believes kids should get an education or they can't make a living - she's one of the minority of JW's that feel that way.
I think that those comments come out of jealousy. The people who say those things are the same ones who are working meanial jobs, have kids that are in trouble (some with the elders, some with the police), and the only way to make themselves feel better is to put my son down for going to college and to criticize me for encouraging it. I believe it really ticks them off that after I was DF'd, rather than coming groveling back to them I became living proof of the opposite of all they say will happen if you leave the organization. I returned to college, found and married a terrific guy, have two wonderful kids, a good career, etc.
I guess living a good life and being successful IS the best revenge .