This is interesting. I'm in school, have had parts in conventions and assemblies. And never ONCE has an elder come up to me and discouraged me about going to college. However, some of the ultra-fundamentalist piooner sisters and brothers have given me side comments and things of the sort. And its really depressing sometimes when the people in the congregation ask you something about college, but then you realize that they really dont care or arent listening. I've always reasoned that as long as the cant disfellowship me for it. They really have nothing on me. :-d One thing about college that i've realized that it IS dangerous (to them i guess), college alone has brought many doubts to my mind just through social studies classes.
WT Against Higher Education...Again
by Jeannine 40 Replies latest jw experiences
One thing about college that i've realized that it IS dangerous (to them i guess)
since I started my fade, I occasionally run into dubs that I know here and there, and since they haven't seen me at meetings in quite a while I get the cautious, worried look accompanied by a "How have you BEEN?" To which I honestly reply with as much enthusiasm as humanly possible, "I've been GREAT! I just started college, I love it, I'm living on my own, and I've been really, really happy!" This is absolutely the last thing they are expecting to hear, and the look of confusion that follows is absolutely wonderful. I think that since they haven't seen me at meetings, they're expecting a woeful tale of drugs, depression, and misery culminating with the name of the street whose gutter I ended up in the night before with a dirty needle in one arm and a crack whore on the other. There's usually not much conversation after they find out that I'm doing good despite my suspicious lack of meeting attendance.
I take pleasure in the little things.
Cog -
The Mormons are able to hang on to their converts and co-exist with higher education because they have a very deep familial emotional hook in their children. The WT relies on more of an intellectual hook. The process of knowing how to learn that is sharpened in college is very dangerous to the WT as they are no doubt finding out the hard way.
I expect more frontal lobotomy articles served with the standard kool-aid.
Can't disfellowship you for it??? Talk about going beyond what is written. Where in the bible does it say you can't get an education. Let the bastards try doing that. Yes, let them.
Then the world will really know how screwed up they really are. -
This stupid article MAY be something they regret. I am seeing elders, ones with an education that is, strongly criticize this article. Maybe it will help bring down the GB. If it were ever the case, what a great day that would be.
This is interesting. I'm in school, have had parts in conventions and assemblies. And never ONCE has an elder come up to me and discouraged me about going to college. However, some of the ultra-fundamentalist piooner sisters and brothers have given me side comments and things of the sort. And its really depressing sometimes when the people in the congregation ask you something about college, but then you realize that they really dont care or arent listening. I've always reasoned that as long as the cant disfellowship me for it. They really have nothing on me. :-d One thing about college that i've realized that it IS dangerous (to them i guess), college alone has brought many doubts to my mind just through social studies classes.
Dune, elders use henchmen to spread their will
The reason the WTS does not promote higher education is to keep their members uneducated. Education provides people with the further ability to analyze their situation and think for themself. The WTS does this to keep its members obedient.
You guys really cant act THAT surprised. If you went to the District Convention (which i doubt most of you havent :-p) you'd have seen that (fictional) drama about timothy.
Two things bothered me about that play though:
1) It wasnt biblically accurate. The story line was just mainly assumptions about what timothy went through.
2) Why does WTS always potray people who go to college as snobby, materialistic young adults who only care about prominence?
O well...
Why does WTS always potray people who go to college as snobby, materialistic young adults who only care about prominence?
Because the snobby, materialistic old men in Brooklyn judge others to be the same as their own ilk.
There has been moe U-Turns on this than on the Soddomites being resurrected/not resurrected subject