WT scholars have nothing to fear from these tablets that you seem to be so excited about.
I agree with Scholar, those that "celebrate" the "scholars" at the Watchtower wouldn't care if they one day declared the 607/1914 bit to be false. They survived the 1975 thing, the "generation" thing, the "UN/NGO" thing. The great thing about leading blind people is they believe you're taking them wherever you say you're taking them.
These are the people that truly believe they are in a SPIRITUAL PARADISE right now! They honestly look about themselves and say "we're the happiest people on earth". Nobody that has their mind that fully closed will be swayed when the 1914 doctrine is quietly discarded.
I can hear the announcement now…"this year produced a modest increase of 1.5% of baptized publishers, the printing of The Watchtower publication is at an all time high, (quickly muttered under breath) the 1914 generation doctrine is now old light, and the congregation picnic this Sunday has been moved from 2:00 to 3:30. Lets all raise for song number 69.
I have no hard evidence as of yet...but I have an inkling the discarding of this doctrine is closer than we think, in fact it may already be happening.
They would loose a lot of members, though. But they`d get new ones,
I'm not sure about this. They can't get new ones NOW! They have lost numbers against population growth for a few years. If they took another big hit (tossing 1914 would be a big one) they would lose at least a third maybe half immediately and it would be trumpeted on the internet for years. I think this would result in furthur loses as people digested it and no new growth as new studies check the history much more now than they did 25 years ago...
If they can't grow now with a FULL labor force how is losing 1/2 of the force going to help them??
Can any of you explain to me, in a conversation with husband studying in earnest about two years with jw's, baptized this summer, why he insists that the 1914 doctrine is NOT one of the MAIN doctrines of jw?!! He says very important, yes, but not the main issue. wtf?! carla
ps- this came about because I asked him he found any jw who could explain it yet. I have been asking all this time if he can or anyone in his cong can. Is he just stupid or what? My claim is that if you take away 1914 all the rest will be shown as false as 1914.
Can any of you explain to me, in a conversation with husband studying in earnest about two years with jw's, baptized this summer, why he insists that the 1914 doctrine is NOT one of the MAIN doctrines of jw?!! He says very important, yes, but not the main issue. wtf?!
Of course it is. Without 1914 they are nothing. According to them, Jesus returned "invisibly" in 1914. Satan and his demons were launched out of heaven in 1914 and sent down to earth to torment humanity in its last days. Jesus selected his "faithful and discreet slave" during the 1914-1918 period. Prior to 1995 "this generation" specifically meant that the people who witnessed the events in 1914 would also see Armageddon. That belief was ususally cross-referenced with a scripture in Psalms, that defines a human's existence as being a mere 70 or 80 years, therefore, 1914 + 70 or 80 years= 1984-1994 as the target years for Armageddon to come, independently of the whole 1975 fiasco.
If you husband insists that 1914 is insignificant, he is sadly uninformed and deluded. When I studied prior to baptism, my study conductor spent WEEKS pounding that into my head, making sure "I got it."