Where are all of these damn flies coming from???

by Elsewhere 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    All right Elsewhere.... we now know you are evil, flies and the deeble go hand and hand. Yep, it is the Amityville Horror all over again.

    If they don't go a way~ have the apartment management sprinkle Golden Maldoon (a chemical that is grains consistancy) around the trash bins and area. It should get rid of them~ unless something is dead.


  • doodle-v

    Maybe your cat pooed behind your sofa...

    This happened to us in one of our rental units. ; They are big kinda slow moving flies? ; Well it turns out there was a dead rat (or other deceased animal) under the house that they were "feasting" on -- we took off an outlet cover and they just came pouring out. ; Totally disgusting and glad my husband took care of it as I would have ran out of there like I was on fire

    Sounds like something or someone may have died in another apartment maybe...


  • fairchild

    SIX flies? Gosh, can I move in with you? I wish I had ONLY six flies at my place. It is always a true invasion here, but with the cold nights recently, they have finally gone away. I had so many flies it was like a scene from a Hitchcock movie. One day there were none, the next day they had invades my place. I bought fly strips and a fly swatter, but I don't like to use a fly swatter, because my walls are white and I wish to keep it that way. The fly strips performed miracles though.

    Oh, and don't forget the golden fly rule... for each fly you see, there are 19 flies you don't see.

  • doofdaddy

    They probably flew over from Australia!!

    We have billions of the bastards

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    At night, I turn on the bathroom light, and leave the door open. Over a few minutes I turn off all of the house lights, one by one, til the bathroom light is the only one on. Relax for about 5 minutes, and get up, and go wage war. I hate fly blood on my walls also. I am getting really good at swatting them in mid-air, and alot of times I am able to swat them directly into the potty. Am I good or what?

    The death is probably right. Big slow flies mean death and dying. Check your wife. My husband just looks over to the computer and sees me here all of time now. I could be dead for a week, and he wouldn't notice. HL

  • doofdaddy

    Ah Horrible

    Computer flyrus

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Doof LOL LOL

  • Kenneson

    Sounds like something right out of the Book of Exodus.

  • JAVA

    This happened at our house about a month ago. They were clustered around two windows in the kitchen. I used the vacuum-cleaner hose to suck them up--most have been over 50 in two days. I never found how or why they got in to our single-family home.
    I guess it's a sign, and proves the Watchtower is the true religion, and all other religions are following Satan! :)

  • Honesty

    When I was a kid living in Copperas Cove, Texas the flies were so big my little brother and I would ride them bareback down to the creek 1/2 mile from home so we didn't get too tired to go wading in the water with the Big Goldfish that lived there.

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