JW question

by Vienna 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vienna

    Quick question I haven't been able to get an answer:

    We all are human. We all have the same makeup. We all have a physical body.

    If you believe that only 144,000 go to heaven, that means that you believe only 144,000 people have a physical body and a spirit soul that is taken to heaven by God. Those ones aren't recreated in heaven--they are "taken" to heaven. What is getting "taken" to heaven, not their physical body. It's their soul.

    God didn't create only 144,000 humans with spirit bodies that he then carries to heaven upon their death. And JW claims there are some 144,000 who fall away, what happens to their spirit body that was supposed to go to heaven?

    Our brain--it's not just flesh. Our memory and thoughts can't be touched because they are electrons. When you look into
    someone's eyes, you see their eyeballs, but what is it that is behind it? We are breathing, but what is that keeps our lungs
    moving? We are physical, but we all have a spirit lifeforce in us that makes us US.

    That goes somewhere when we die.

    If you believe God is only taking a few of those souls to heaven, where are all of the rest of us going?

    I know the answer...just curious from the JW point of view.

  • SixofNine


    Seriously , you may not find satisfying answers, but are you,

    1) getting to the meetings?

    2) getting out in field service?

    3) keeping up with your personal study?

    If you do those three things, you will find that everything will fall into place. A sincere prayer to Jehovah to help you be more loyal to his organization wouldn't hurt either.

  • nytelecom1

    amen sixofnine.

    Vienna, if you would like to learn more about what Jehovahs Witnesse believe....feel free to contact me for a free home personal Bible study

  • terraly

    To add to SixofNine's suggestions, I would advocate that you purchase a new set of highlighters and work on rainbow coding your Watchtower, that will help everything :)

    Um, I think we're all giving blow-off answers because the Witness doctrine makes no sense- there are some interesting philosophical questions about soul-body duality and whatnot, but I don't think the WT has a particularily deep or insightful take on the subject.

  • Vienna

    Well, that's my point terraly. I want JWs to think about deeper questions like that and realize that the WT doesn't answer them. It comes from getting a real bible (the NWT is not an approved translations so that doesn't count) and have a real study of it that is not tainted with WT spin.

    Of course, while being a JW, I never thought about deep things--or, when I did I was programmed to think "The Society doesn't approve of that train of thought." The depth of God and the Bible is so deep, but you don't get to explore it as a JW. I would have a thought like that for awhile, but of course as SixofNine says I would go out in FS, go to the meetings and study my WT and stuff for the Tuesday night meetings, try to get to work and have a family life then wouldn't have time to research that thought provoking question I used to have. I would forget it after time and get stuck back in the routine of WT slavery. So sad. WTBTS really needs to market these brainwashing techniques. You must admit they are pretty good.

  • MadApostate


    Before you start "crusading" against the WTS, it would be advisable to first learn what it is that you are crusading against. Its difficult to believe you were ever a JW.

    The WTS doesn't teach that the 144,000 have "souls". The WTS teaches that current annointeds are "changed" to "spirit creatures" instantaneously at death.

    As for your statement that the NWT is not an "approved" translation, could you please tell us what translations ARE approved, and who did the approving.

    Your total lack of knowledge re anything WTS smacks of FundyTrollism, which I dislike even more than JWism.

  • Francois

    I see that MadApostate didn't understand the question or the issue, but that didn't keep him from pontificating anyway.

    MA, if that's the best you can do, why don't you go take a nice nap or something?


  • You Know
    You Know

    What you fail to grasp is that the 144,000 do not go to heaven because they have an immortal soul lurking within their fleshly body. They go to heaven because God gives them a spirit body. That spirit body is not something that they originally possess but God creates it for them at their resurrection. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that a person had to be born again to enter the kingdom. Jesus said very plainly to him the reason why a human had to be born again when he said that "what is flesh is flesh and what is spirit is spirit." In other words 'humans are humans and angels are angels.' Earthly and heavenly creatures are two separate and distinct creations. So for a human to go to heaven they have to become a spirit, since as Paul wrote, 'flesh and bone cannot enter into the kingdom.' That transformation requires a miracle of holy spirit, which is what being born again is all about. It is about changing natures from human to spirit. That's why in fact Paul said that those born again were a "new creation." That means that Jehovah God brings into existence something that did not exist previously. If humans had an immortal soul from creation anointed Christians could not really be said to be a new creation could they? / You Know

  • Vienna

    I agree Francoise. MadApostate also needs a cup of coffee after that nap....takes the edge off! ;)

    As regards to WT teaching that 144,000 are "changed" to "spirit creatures", do your bible reading of Revelation (and cross reference) because you'll find out who actually go to heaven, actually READ the bible and not what your mommy (WTS) tells you is happening. Of course, that would require reasoning skills I'm not sure I should be asking from you. Sorry.

    As regards your statement that the NWT is not an "approved" translation, tell me why only JWs push it, why no bookstores carry it (because it's a joke), and why the translators of it have no degrees in Greek? Oh, there so much to that story, but I'm not to doing the homework for you--though I know you're used to others doing the homework for you, aka WTBTS.

    But forgot I said anything. It's Saturday!!! Life is routine for you. How was field service? Don't you have a WT you need to be color coding for tomorrow?

  • You Know
    You Know

    My dear, I have probably read the book of Revelation over one hundred times. What do you imagine that I have overlooked?

    / You Know

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