You Can't Get It Back

by Big Dog 34 Replies latest social family

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I hear you guys, its like you want to climb mountains? Fine let me check for the closest moutain climbing school. College is a given if they want to go. Whatever they want to try I am behind 100%. Then it hits me how different that is from the way I was raised, and the way that I see my siblings (all dubs) raising theirs. Two of my nephews are at Bethel, neither have ever been on a date, been to a dance, taken a college class, played a down of football or an inning of baseball. Just makes me sick.

  • Shania

    This certainly hits home, the thing that bothers me, when I talk about my past hopes and dreams with my die hard witness mom she says " well, why don't you pursue that dream now".................................................I WANT TO SCREAM She just don't get it, my dream was squashed like a bug, we don't need schooling we have the truth, the new system is going to be here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,help. You can't back peddle..............I have pursued a few things, taken some course but it is to late to go for my real heart desire. I blame the cult and my crazy mothers die hard did better with my own kids..............

  • hibiscusfire

    Oh I thought this was about not getting back your virginity....


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Chris, I think its worth it to get your Ph.D. After all, especially if the atheists are right, all we have at the end of the line is the sum of our memories and accomplishments, build as many as you can in my opionion.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Big Dog,

    awesome post! you totally put into worlds how i feel about my childhood too. for example:

    i remember being nine years old, and sitting on my bed in the middle of august in full hockey gear, skates laced on, helmet, cup and all, and crying my eyes out because i could not join the community hockey team for the winter season. it was registration day. i was so excited, i got fully outfitted and was running around the house (skate blade guards), until my mom told me it was a no-go because jehovah did not like me being competitive. my whole passionate being came crumbling down around me. i hope jehovah, that f**ktard, was happy.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog


    I hear you. Man do I hear you. I remember sitting on the side of a hill that overlooked the athletic field by my house, watching the kids, all the kids I went to school and grew up with having practice for pop warner football bawling my eyes out because I couldn't join them. And you know what the real kick in the butt was? It was a meeting night so I couldn't even stay and watch the game that followed the practice.

    The caulksuckers, I hate em.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I always wanted to try out for my school football team. I remember one year in high school I was complaining about how miserable the team actually was. All of a sudden the team quarterback quipped "I don’t see you out there doing any better!" He was absolutely right and I shouldn’t have been criticizing. But the point is, I wasn’t allowed. It was against the rules.

    Its one thing to talk about organized sports, but it’s a whole different issue when you start talking about potential careers. There were myriads of things that I was interested in career wise but instead of pursuing any of my interests I got "guided" to a vocational or trade school. I’m not doing too badly for my family or myself today but I could be so much more.

    I strive to live my life now for every moment. I realize that I am unable to change anything about the past. I also realize that even if I could change one singular moment of my history that I would be a different person and perhaps in a different place. Then I think about all the things that I’m thankful for, my wife, my house, my children, and I realize that it’s all OK.

    The bottom line for me is that this organization will not affect my children as it did me and if presented with the opportunity to speak out regarding the dangers that TWBTS presents you better believe I’ll be there with a megaphone.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Excellent post Darth. I have done what I can to move on and not be a whiner and I have had a good life and filled in as much as I can. But try as I might I can't ever truly fill that hole that was my childhood, its like an old wound, healed yes, but there is a scar there. My life isn't screwed because of that, but the fact that it happened still sucks.

  • joelbear

    my parents made me drop out of band when I was 12 when they started practicing for the Christmas show. it broke my heart.

    by the age of 14 I was starting to do things behind their back. i joined clubs and academic teams and basically had a blast when I wasn't at the Kingdom Hall.

    they were firmly against me going to college. I wanted to study Math. All my friends went to Georgia Tech. it broke my heart

    I tried to please them by pioneering and going to bethel. one night my dad came in and said he was going to force me to go to work for him washing trucks at a truck stop. (If i knew then what i know now i would have jumped at the chance) but then i was terrified of worldly people, plus it showed that no matter what i did he was not going to be pleased. so i stopped pioneering and left home. got a job, went to college for 2 years.

    you can't go back, all we can do is try to warn others and go forward.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I hear you BIg Dog. Even though you move on it feels like an old injury that still aches when the thunderstorm approaches.

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