I especially identify with the human-ness of David. The Scriptures reveal his weaknesses, fears, failures, desires and triumphs. Yet, with all of his character flaws, he's still described as a man after God's own heart. Just goes to show that it's not necessarily about our performance, but about a heart that is breakable, thereby allowing God access.
Another favorite character for me is the woman caught in the act of adultery. In all her sinful glory, she received what most people ultimately crave: A personal encounter with Jesus the Christ, where grace and forgiveness are offered in abundance.
For those who Believe the bible to be true............
by defd 133 Replies latest jw friends
I do know that he didn't tie all the 300 foxes together...*smarty*, just try to explain to me how on earth, he could have caught ALL those foxes, kept them alive with him (just imagine what 300 live foxes would be like, for a minute) Then proceed to tie them by the tails, two by two (while the others are waiting patiently, of course), then light the torches, and then set them free on the field all at once.
And EVEN if it were true...it shows the wonderful care that guy's got for God's creatures...
I do know that he didn't tie all the 300 foxes together...*smarty*, just try to explain to me how on earth, he could have caught ALL those foxes, kept them alive with him (just imagine what 300 live foxes would be like, for a minute) Then proceed to tie them by the tails, two by two (while the others are waiting patiently, of course), then light the torches, and then set them free on the field all at once.
And EVEN if it were true...it shows the wonderful care that guy's got for God's creatures...
Ever heard of wolf in sheep's clothing. Foxes are vicious creatures.....would you prefer them to be alive and kill sheep and people? Think if you had 20 little puppies running around and you had to get them together....what would you do? But he had to deal with vicious foxes so imagine what he would do....common sense. Hibie
Foxes have a bad press. They are not the viscious little creatures they are made out to be and certainly do not deserve such an evil fate.
It's stories such as this, Lot's wife, Lot's daughters and a bunch of other very nasty horrible stories in the bible that have me believing it should be drop kicked into oblivion. Not because of it's stories though, but because it has been used to control, manipulate and hurt people for centuries.
Enough is enough.
People who 'believe' in the bible, whatever that means, should begin a serious study of bible history and all the other books that catholicism chose not to include in the canon of the scriptures, and then make their decisions on what they want to believe.
I say, get rid of it, and any other religious book that has been used to also control and hurt men, women and children throughout history.
God exists in the hearts of people. They do not need a book to tell them to be good and kind and loving. Only a mentally unstable person needs such a book to make rules for them and tell them how to live. And then, when they break the rules they can be 'beaten' with their same book by their own loving clergy, elders, pharisees or whatever.
How can anyone decide whether such a book is 'true' or not?
Nobody even knows the real meaning of the phrases. Commas and punctuation as we know it, did not exist. You can make it mean anything you want it to, as the JWs manage to prove.
Start thinking people. Break free and allow your mind to begin to think the unthinkable. Only then can you, if you're lucky, stumble across real truths.
Ever heard of wolf in sheep's clothing. Foxes are vicious creatures.....would you prefer them to be alive and kill sheep and people?
Hmmm....that's a fine way to speak of one of God's creations.
Wild foxes geez WILD FOXES.
I don't understand how you people think.....really.
Gill People who 'believe' in the bible, whatever that means, should begin a serious study of bible history and all the other books that catholicism chose not to include in the canon of the scriptures, and then make their decisions on what they want to believe.
I say, get rid of it, and any other religious book that has been used to also control and hurt men, women and children throughout history.
People like you are the ones who hurt people. I am not a catholic so that's the only thing I would agree with you on. Catholicism is aimed at controlling people
Sad emo
Wild foxes geez WILD FOXES.
I don't understand how you people think.....really.
Hibie, you blasphemed three times! What's going on here?! ps - about foxes - what Gill said.
Especially for Hibbie:
In a similar way the Name of Christ is abused. GEE is a "euphemistic contraction of Jesus." The same is true of other words such as GEE, GEEWHIZ, GEEZ or CHEEZ, CHEESE, CHEECE, SHEECE, "all of which relate back to the Lord Jesus Christ when used as an exclamatory remark." It's not difficult to figure out the origin of such expressions as JIMINY CRICKETS and JEEPERS CREEPERS.
Curse words and swear words have also been softened by minced substitutes. Remember, garbage is still garbage, even if it is placed in a nice container. We need to detest all curse words and realize that the substitutes stink as well.