Which Bible to get?

by Kat_ 29 Replies latest watchtower bible



    In response to the question as to whether some bibles are accurate or 'tainted'.....

    How many different people claim they use a certain translation because they like the way it reads, what it says, or its claim to be accurately translated. eg. word for word from original manuscripts.
    How long we were convinced from the WTBS that the NWT and the way they explained the translators and what they went through to show us how accurate it truly was....
    just to find out they have left out or mistranslated scriptures.
    eg. REVELATION 5:10 (look at the original in their own greek bible)

    One main reason for SO MANY different religions or sects is someone interprets the bible one way and feels it says this, and others agree and follow.
    Why the need for so many differing religions?...when there is only ONE FAITH ONE LORD ONE BAPTISM?

    Because people believe what they what to believe. People only hear what they want to hear. People only do what they want to do.

    When one "allows" the spirit to truly lead them, and the law (the new covenant) is truly on their hearts... one does not have to "depend" on what is written. What is written serves as reminders and encouragement from other fellow christians in the past. But it is NOT what teaches us.
    See IJOHN 2:26-29

    With the spirit, even those that cannot read or see or comprehend much can have a relationship with God!
    That is truly the beauty of why he reads the hearts of individuals.

    Hope this helps
    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • Hairdog1937

    Dear "Mom" (Kim): Wow! God's blessings upon you. Truly God has revealed Himself to you.

    Just one comment. You said:

    "When one "allows" the spirit to truly lead them, and the law (the new covenant) is truly on their hearts... one does not have to "depend" on what is written. What is written serves as reminders and encouragement from other fellow christians in the past. But it is NOT what teaches us. See IJOHN 2:26-29."

    God reveals Himself to His children through His written Word. To depend on the written Word, by itself, can only result in distortion. We DO need guidance from the 3rd Person of the Trinity; and your following (quoted) response clearly points that out:

    "With the spirit, even those that cannot read or see or comprehend much can have a relationship with God! That is truly the beauty of why he reads the hearts of individuals."

    Thank you, Kim. Hallelujah!

  • Bibleboy

    dear Kat_

    My name is Mark Whitmore from Vancouver. I will personally send you a FREE New International Version.

    Until then you may log onto this:


    (11 english translations)
    (14 Languages)
    (33 translations in total)

  • Kat_

    Hello again to all:

    I thouroughly enjoyed reading all the posts and I did learn a lot just from reading them. You all made excellent points. Thanks again for the input!

    To Mark:

    Thanks so much for the kind offer! Unfortunately, since I am still new on this board and have not even revealed my email address here, I am still uncomfortable with the idea of giving out any personal information to anyone, especially a home address...it's nothing personal, trust me. However, I have decided that a NIV will be among my choices. So while I would LOVE to get one for free, I will go ahead and just purchase the one I had planned on. Thanks so much for the kind gesture, though. It really means a lot.


  • Bibleboy

    Dear Kat_,

    if at all you would like to include the address of your church or Kingdom Hall, I will gladly send it to you C/O that building or organization. Just get me the address for that place and you will be able to pick it up there. I understand how you feel about your safety and security, so your church addy should not be a problem. Or I can have it sent to your nearest PO BOX and you can pick it up there. I insist, because you should not have to pay for the Word of God...


    SOMEBODY SAY AMEN! Hallelujaweh!

    anyway... I have ICQ... 34048493
    MSN & email: [email protected]
    And Satan is under my feet because of what the Lord has done at Calvary. PTL!


    Agape Love in Christ Jesus of Nazareth,

    -Mark Whitmore

    PS... you can ask anyone of my friends... I am harmless... even if I DID want to stalk you i don't really have the time or the money to do so... I am going to Bible College in Saskatchewan this fall...


    Greetings Hairdog1937:

    Thank you for your kind response. I hope I am understanding correctly what you mean, Yes, to rely ONLY on what is written can lead to distortion. Being mislead possibly.

    But I must kindly disagree that how God speaks to us is yes, through "THE WORD" but it is NOT written. It is "the living word of God" "the true bread from heaven that feeds us."

    Note please
    HEBREWS 4:12
    JOHN 1:1 and 1:14 "The Word became flesh and resided among us as the only-begotten."

    Revelation 19:13 "He is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God."

    Hebrews 1:1,2 "God who long ago and on many occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the prophets, has at the end of these days SPOKEN to us by means of a SON, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the system of things."

    It is our lord who speaks to us directly. Hebrews 12:24-25. Yes, through holy spirit, it is translated to us into whichever language we may speak, sounding much like our voice.

    Is this what you make reference to?

    Just a thought

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • Hairdog1937

    Dear Kim:

    Jesus said that after He went to be with His Father, He would send the Holy Spirit who:

    "...will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you." - John 16:13-15

    Paul explained that:

    "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
    - 2 Tim.3:16-17

    In many places, the Bible addresses the issue of (qualitatively) adding to, or taking away from, it. Based upon all of this, I understand that whatever truth about God is disclosed to His people is disclosed:

    1. By His Spirit and:
    2. Through His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

    Since any actual "voice communication" that seems to be from God must meet the "adding to/taking away from" test, I don't see any need for such type of voice communication. It's already in the Bible.

    But supposing that we think that God has directly and personally spoken to us through what appears to be a contemporary, oral message. God charges me with the responsibility to be a Berean (Acts 17:11) and to test the spirits (1 John 4:1). So, if I had a "voice communication" that seemed to be coming from God, I must apply the above Scriptures to see whether or not I actually heard Him, or a message from he who disguises himself as an angel of light.

    Hope this better explains what I had earlier said.

    The blessings of King Jehovah: our Lord Jesus,


    Hello Hairdog and thank you again for clarifying that

    Yes I do understand those scriptures and as you have mentioned and from the scriptures in my last post including this one in JOHN 10: particularly verses 16& 27....

    There IS a voice that our master uses. ALthough it is NOT audible, we must open our spiritual ears to hear. JOB 34:13-17 tells us when we are likely to be able to hear without distraction.

    Yes, although what IS SCRIPTURE is from that voice that his servants heard and wrote down (had to hear something to write books)
    that voice can and will speak to us anytime we are willing to hear and put faith in it. Most don't though! We've been taught any voices we hear are the demons. If demons which are lower than our master can communicate with us, how much more so could not the creator by his son do so.?

    There are also books that were written by faithful ones under inspiration that did NOT make it as part of the bible cannon.
    If that were the ONLY way God communicates to us, wouldn't he have seen to it that those books were part of the Bible.?

    Hope this helps also
    I mean no harm if you disagreee. But I must tell you what has been revealed to me from our lord himself.

    Just a thought
    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • Hairdog1937

    Dear Kim:

    I mostly agree with what you said. The disagreeable part is soooooo minor that I choose to not even bring it up. What IS important is that we surrender to our Lord Jehovah God, crying out for mercy. That is the only way we can be saved from eternal condemnation. He did it all for us. I praise Jehovah daily for what He has done for me.

    In and Because of Christ Jesus, my great God and Saviour,



    Thank you for your response once again hairdog

    To agree to disagree! Minor things that is so true my brother (sister).
    That is the beauty of what we could NOT do in the org. Praise Jah we have been set free from that.
    Thank you for your responses so promptly. Hope to chat with you again.
    Keep up the faith and may our lords blessings and peace be upon you!

    Til then
    JUST A MOM(Kim)

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