In response to the question as to whether some bibles are accurate or 'tainted'.....
How many different people claim they use a certain translation because they like the way it reads, what it says, or its claim to be accurately translated. eg. word for word from original manuscripts.
How long we were convinced from the WTBS that the NWT and the way they explained the translators and what they went through to show us how accurate it truly was....
just to find out they have left out or mistranslated scriptures.
eg. REVELATION 5:10 (look at the original in their own greek bible)
One main reason for SO MANY different religions or sects is someone interprets the bible one way and feels it says this, and others agree and follow.
Why the need for so many differing religions?...when there is only ONE FAITH ONE LORD ONE BAPTISM?
Because people believe what they what to believe. People only hear what they want to hear. People only do what they want to do.
When one "allows" the spirit to truly lead them, and the law (the new covenant) is truly on their hearts... one does not have to "depend" on what is written. What is written serves as reminders and encouragement from other fellow christians in the past. But it is NOT what teaches us.
See IJOHN 2:26-29
With the spirit, even those that cannot read or see or comprehend much can have a relationship with God!
That is truly the beauty of why he reads the hearts of individuals.
Hope this helps