Or are you careful as to what you say??
Do You Talk About Poltics Freely (In Real Life)?
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
It's not my favorite subject because I think it's boring. I'm not shy about speaking my mind but I try and shut up if it's obvious I don't have a clue what is going on. ( note to self...read paper more )
Too freely. Most political issues today are really moral issues and I have a very big mouth.
I try to get a feel for what people are thinking before adding my 2 cents in.
That goes for any subject or situation.
Yes in fact on a daily basis poilitcs and religion are discussed in our house, and whenever we go to our inlaws too. Or pretty much anytime other people are around.
I just got a job that requires me to be quiet/neutral about local politics. However, in my office we can discuss how much we can't stand Bush.
Not much; I am a government worker and it is forbidden to talk at work about politics.
Otherwise, I avoid it. I usually tell people I am issued oriented rather than party oriented.
at work and with certain family members yes- around congregation members no
I don't know a lot about politics. I don't like Bush, but its as much his arrogant frat boy attitude as his policies that annoy me. I'm deciding now just how much I even want to bother with politics. In many ways voting seems to be a opiate for the masses, something to give us the illusion that we have some sort of control. I'm still not sure how meaningful it is. Soooo, unless/until I decide if its worth bothering with, I feel like its best if I keep a low profile on the subject.
Depends...if I am with someone who wants to disscuss different viewpoints no problem...those who bash I keep my mouth shut...politics, as religion, can get heated...just don't care for pissing contests anymore...