I suffer from Depression and have been on meds, but now I choose not to take them. I am thinking of going back into just "therepy" but my question is Do JWs beleive in therepy? Im not a JW but I do read and beleive the JW way. I also have been to Hall many times but lost touch with my friend so I was wondering this.
Depression Therpy
by Pbanna 28 Replies latest watchtower medical
No, they do not approve of "ousiders" participating in therapy with their members. All problems should be solved by the elders or within the congregation. Which is a dangerous thing since most likely the elders or whoever have no training on properly dealing with said problem. Therapists must go through years of school to be properly trained to deal with peoples problems properly. Elders...no such training.
I think that if you believe you need therapy then you should go and get it. Don't worry about what the JW's think about it. Especially if you have just recently come off of medication, you may be doing fine now, but when the last traces of the meds have left your system you will really need help. Please go and get it.
If it makes a difference I knew of several Elder's wifes that saw therapists. If you truly need therapy the most the elders will do is request to talk to the therapist so they can "ask" that you don't discuss religion during your sessions.
I encourage you to go see a therapist, it is in your best interests. Keep us posted.
Sad emo
Welcome to the board Pbanna
Like Dams said - get the therapy, especially if you've come of the meds. Even if the depression is only 'mild' you run the risk of it getting worse if you try to manage without anything. Also if you find yourself struggling without the meds, don't be afraid to post your feelings here - this is a safe place.
Welcome to the board!
Please please please dont go to any 'elders' for help with any psychological problems. These are window washers and janitors masquerading as mental health professionals....very very dangerous! Seek out qualified, professional help at all costs......
Welcome, pbanna.
Please don't turn to advice from the Watchtower Society or local elders about depression. They are not qualified to be meddling with people's mental health issues.
Something to beware of is that in most Watchtower articles, while they'll spend the majority of paragraphs pushing the reader to come to the correct JW thinking on a subject, there will always be a few disclaimer-type sentances...usually something to the effect that it's up to your conscience as to what decision you make. It's really quite clever. One article can be used to show the Society's direction as well as shift any responsibility for the consequences of said direction squarely onto the shoulders of the individual...which means no matter what you decide to do, if it turns out badly, its your fault and you are to blame. Always. They are not a responsible organization.
Thank you for all your support!! and the welcome to the board. It is most helpful. I was on meds while back, but they give me all kinds of side effects especially the SSR's -I get intense sweating, and they make me feel worse sometimes. I thought if I try spiritual therepy it could help. I was going to go back to Hall and seek my friend for some help but , as I have read The elders are not qualified in psychology, although I thought they had to take thoes kinds of classes or related subjects as other ministers do.
Im not currently actively involved in going to Hall at this time. But I know several people from going there when I did few months back.
Lady Lee
although I thought they had to take thoes kinds of classes or related subjects as other ministers do
I was married to one of these elders and there are many here who were elders.
The most trining they get is the odd elder's meeting and rule book to judge whether people are following the rules.
My husband was a button sales man and photographer. Neither of course required any training. And believe me he wouldn't have a clue about depression. And he was living with me who was severely depressed to the point of make plans to commit suicide.
And the elders just made eveything worse. Their counsel was to pray more. get to the meetings and get out selling magazines. Sum total of their counsel
Oh and be a good wife in subjection to her husband
It is not a good idea to come off of your meds cold turkey or unsupervised by medical professionals.There should be a gradual withdraw, if at all. You run the risk of causing yourself more problems mentally such as sinking back into a deeper depression. You could also suject yourself to the opposite end of the mental swinging pendulum ~mania (pretty decent initially but not very pleasant in the end).
When you are experiencing side effects with your medication, consult your doctor to change the dosage or the medication to something different.Who prescribed your meds? Was it your regular family physician or a licensed psychiatrist. I would go with seeing a psychiatrist to diagnose, recommend, and moniter you on your meds. You definitely should be seeing a qualified licensed therapist whether you choose to take medication or not.
I am not a JW either, but from what I have been able to gather from my husband (exJW with a history of mental struggles within and outside the hall) and those on this board it would not be in your best interest to seek counsel with the elders for your mental issues.
Please seek professional help . God be with you!
P.S. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Lee
Something else I want to mention here
It has recently come to the attention of people on the board here that in some places JWs are offering spiritual counseling. Again this type of counseling is mere scriptur reading and the type of adice I posted about above.
But it has also come to our attention that in some places there are trained therapists who have become JWs and they offer counseling to other JWs. A few of the people here have tried them and no one was impressed or helped. In fact some of the people have said it made things worse.
As a counselor myself I know about and follow the code of ethics. And a huge part of that code is confidentiality. These JW counselors believe that God's law comes above the law or ciode of men or any professioanl organization. There have been situations where a JW counselor has broken confidentiality and reported their "client" to the elders where that person goes.
Now this might not apply to you unless you decided to return to the meetings. If in some way you showed that you were trying to be a JW then it would not surprise me to find out that the counselor had reported any disclosures you made about what the JWs consider to be a sin.
In my mind this is totally unethical and any counselor who does this should lose their licence and never be allowed to practice again.
I also agree with the person above to never stop taking your meds unless it is under the supervision of your doctor.
Meds are only one part of the treatment for depression. Talk therapy is an essential part of recovery. But make sure you find someone who is qualified and ethical