by hubert 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hubert

    My wife and I watch a movie last night, called "The Truth". It was about an Amish girl who got pregnant and had a child.

    Anyway, she was ordered to be shunned by all members for her wrong doing, for six weeks.

    This brings up the questions....

    Is shunning Bible-based?

    If so, does the Bible state for how long the shunning should last?

    What are the scriptures that support shunning?


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    she was ordered to be shunned by all members for her wrong doing, for six weeks

    hey that's not so bad considering how long the jw's will shun someone for!(ever)


  • Daunt

    The only thing I've seen that slyly supports excommunication is the quotes from Paul where he speaks of not even eating with a person that claims to be christian and what not. And of course, that gives control groups the freedom to do whatever they want because the bible somewhat suggests that they do it. Even though the bible suggests that you should kill your children if they are dissobedient but hey they need more people to control so they don't add that one.

  • acadian

    *** Rbi8 Matthew 18:15-17 ***

    15 "Moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, in order that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. 17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.

    This is Jesus speaking, and he said to treat them as people of the nations and tax collectors.

    How did Jesus treat people of the nations and tax collectors?

    *** Rbi8 Matthew 11:18-19 ***


    Correspondingly, John came neither eating nor drinking, yet people say, ‘He has a demon’; 19 the Son of man did come eating and drinking, still people say, ‘Look! A man gluttonous and given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ All the same, wisdom is proved righteous by its works."

    Well I don't know about you, but it sounds like the lord like to party!

    No just kidding , well maybe, Now I know their are other scriptures that say, not to even say a greeting to such ones, but that was'nt said by Jesus, and as far as I'm concerned Jesus's words have authority over all others.

    So I'd say follow Jesus example in the way he treated people, it's alot differant than what your taught at the K.H.


  • Ingenuous

    I particularly liked the overview located here.

  • jeeprube
    The only thing I've seen that slyly supports excommunication is the quotes from Paul where he speaks of not even eating with a person that claims to be christian and what not.

    The problem with the WTS use of Paul's words, is that they use them out of context and add to them. Paul was setting down a priciple for individual christians to follow. The WTS interjects itself into this and tells us how to apply them. It is clear that Paul was advising the individual, on jow he/she should view others. He was not setting down a mandate for a large, multi-national corporation to use. Also, the WTS adds sins to Paul's list. Nowhere does Paul speak of smoking or watching rated R movies. Things that he does speak of, like gluttony, are rarely enforced. When was the last time someone was DFed for being fat?

  • dabatgaly

    the bible also says in the same letter that you shouldnt over do it so that the individual is not overtaken by satan, please somone post the relevant scriptures.

  • Honesty

    The WTBTS is the voice of God. Obey them and you will be blessed. Shun all who disagree with their doctrines. Shun all who are sinners. Shun all who are not attending enough meetings. Shun all who have beards. Shun, shun, shun... and you will be blessed. Is that bible-based enough for you?

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Lets experiment! Next April let’s all shun the taxman and see where that gets. We can simply say that it’s our religious rite as per Matthew 18:17.

    Who’s game?

  • jwfacts

    2 Corinthians 2:5-11

    5 Now if anyone has caused sadness, he has saddened, not me, but all of YOU to an extent—not to be too harsh in what I say. 6 This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man, 7 so that, on the contrary now, YOU should kindly forgive and comfort [him], that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad. 8 Therefore I exhort YOU to confirm YOUR love for him. 9 For to this end also I write to ascertain the proof of YOU, whether YOU are obedient in all things. 10 Anything YOU kindly forgive anyone, I do too. In fact, as for me, whatever I have kindly forgiven, if I have kindly forgiven anything, it has been for YOUR sakes in Christ’s sight; 11 that we may not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.”

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