by hubert 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    The bible definitely does not say how long a person should be disfellowshipped for. It states only that a person should not associate with a 'practicer' of certain sins. There is no minimum time period mentioned. So there is no basis for not talking to the person until the elders 'feel' the person is repentant. This is truly a form of punishment, not readjustment.
    The other thing to note is that the only scripture that says not to even greet a man (2 John 7-11) is only applying to the AntiChrist. No other scriptures say there should be extreme shunning.
    In Cor it says not to eat with such a man as a fornicator, so excludes socialisation, but does not preclude greeting a sinner at the kingdom hall.

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