Its Monday.......................

by defd 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    This week for me will probably bring the same garbage I had last week, maybe with the odd pleasant surprise thrown in to help me survive.

  • JH
    Is it the Congregation book study? If it is, I strongly suggest that you stop having them at your house.

    Don't you want Kwin to strengthen spiritually?

  • ozziepost

    I think he means that Kwin doesn't 'qualify' to receive Bible instruction?

  • defd

    This week for me will probably bring the same garbage I had last week, maybe with the odd pleasant surprise thrown in to help me survive. Aint that the truth. Survival is the name of the game these days.Just remembers jesus words "never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient for each day is its own badness. Who of YOU by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?"

  • ozziepost
    Survival is the name of the game these days


    Better to endure to the end than simply survive.


  • rebel8

    What does the week hold? I guess you're being philosophical on the passing of this milestone:

    Now Kwin--what's up with the study? Are you kidding or are you really having a study? Is it a congregation one or what?

    OK, I'll ask your question--what topic are you studying?

  • defd

    Don't you want Kwin to strengthen spiritually?

    I have been here long enough to know that kwin doesnt DESERVE to have a book study at his house. I read his reinstatement thread! Actually He is putting himself in a bad spot with Jesus and Jehovah God.

    And to answer your ? Yes I would love for kwin to strengthen himself spritually. He wont do it by coming here and BAD TALKING God and HIS Organization.

  • kwintestal

    Def'd, no, it's not a congregation book study. It is correct that I would not qualify to have it in my home as I now live in a divided house, with my wife being DF'd.

    Rebel8, we're actually reading Alpha Teach Yourself the bible in 24 hours, which is very simple, and very much like the "all scriptures inspired" book, but a little more informative.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I look forward this week to spending a great deal of quality time with my Grandchildren. And my dear wifey.

    I look forward to seeing my coffee friends this morning - we will discuss the Bible likely. One is First Chistian, one is Lutheran, and one is Church of Christ. Doesn't matter really - we are bros and sis in Christ. We have become very close since I left the lies of the organization. I have informed them of the things I have learned about the organization. My Lutheran friend took my copy of ISoCF to her pastor, who read it and also became better equiped to aid former witnesses to become Christian.

    I look forward to a couple rounds of golf this week. Hope to post a mid-80's or so.

    I look forward to listening to some good Gospel music. And playing fetch with my dog. And watching the early fall leaves develop on the trees.

    And to a few chats with my friends and aquaintances on this forum.

    I might look around and find a nice little church to attend sometime soon, although I now consider that aspect of life separate from spirituality. I will read my Bible a few times when it seems good to do so.

    Life is good - I am busy trying to learn to fill the gaps left by a hateful group that shun me now.


  • kwintestal
    kwin doesnt DESERVE to have a book study at his house

    Oh, please. The whole - responsibility = privledge - doesn't work for me anymore. And, I never bad talked "God's organisation." I've only talked poorly of the JW's, and there is a big diference there.


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