I've been reading through an introductory philosophy textbook titled Does the Center Hold ? It's an excellent book, thanks to Valis for recommending it on this forum. On the subject of free will vs. determinism, the author states that perhaps free will is an "emergent" characteristic of our brain chemistry, the same way liquidity is an emergent characteristic of large quantities of H20 molecules in close proximity that doesn't exist in the individual molecules themselves.
Perhaps it's a bad analogy, but it got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, strict mechanical determinism really isn't the way things are. If that's the case, then maybe love does mean something, maybe Plato's ideal world does exist in some sense, and we do well to strive for those ideals.
At any rate, even if determinism is true, that's not how we experience life and I think that to always be consciously looking at the world through a deterministic lens results in a lack of joy or passion, and given how shitty life is most of the time I think it's those moments of joy and passion that make it worth it.
Every person is so unique, and to feel like there's somebody, if only one person in the whole world, who truly understands and *chooses* to accept us in our totality, I can't imagine a more satisfying feeling than that. Of course I'm a hapless romantic who has never had success in love, so everybody who reads this is probably going "ugh, if he only knew what it's really like after you've been with someone a while."
Dan, sophomoric-ponderer class