just sick...7 year olds caring about their looks...

by under74 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74

    My sister says my niece keeps coming home after school crying because a couple kids have been calling her names...primarily "fat." And now she's starting to say that she doesn't "look good" in certain things and has said that she's "fat." She's not. She's thinner than I was at her age--7. And I never thought about what I weighed at 7. I don't even think about what I weigh now because I'm not worried about it...I know I'm not overweight so why bother? I worry though that my 7 year old neice is concerned that she's fat and what looks good on her.

    What F***K is going on??? Why should a 7 year old care about their clothes and weight?

  • ButtLight

    Kids can be cruel!

  • upside/down

    Kids ARE cruel...especially the girls...

    I've raise 2 sons and 1 daughter...the girls are flat out MEAN!

    u/d(of the would love to meet the mofo parents class)

  • under74

    Yeah...but what does that say about our culture? I was never called fat....yet my niece is--even though she's thinner than I was at that age. She's not in the least bit heavy. She's an active kid playing softball and going to karate class 3 times a week...and she loves spinach. Why should she even be faced with this kind of crap?

  • upside/down

    It's called TV...

    Get her checked into some Karate classes...she'll tone up...and the next time some loser punk gives her sh*t....she'll be able to "settle" the matter herself...

    Man will she feel good!

    u/d(of the don't let them turn her into a victim class)

  • under74
    Get her checked into some Karate classes...she'll tone up...and the next time some loser punk gives her sh*t....she'll be able to "settle" the matter herself...

    Just said she was already in that...and then some. It's not about her toning up...she doesn't need any. It's about this whole stick thin crap being okay or actually expected!! These kids hear their anorexic moms talk and think it's okay.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    because girls think they're supposed to look like this.


    don't get me wrong. i feel sorry for mk, b/c i'm sure i'd have major issues too if i was under a microscope and scrutinized in every magazine article for the way i look. but it's sad. it sickens me when i look through a seventeen magazine and see a bunch of articles telling young girls to accept themselves...but they have nothing but size 0 models in their magazines.

    i feel for your niece. girls (even boys) can be very cruel. it was just my luck that my body decided to hit puberty when the heroin sheik craze started. i was the biggest girl in my class not only b/c i developed before most of the girls, but also b/c i'm half spanish, so i've naturally thick in the legs, hips, and butts. i felt like a freak and everyone treated me like i was one. i put myself on a diet when i was only 12 years old! it was that bad.

    love your niece and assure her as much as you can that she's beautiful. tell her she's healthy and not fat. do whatever you can to prevent her from hating her body.

    luv, jojo

  • under74
    love your niece and assure her as much as you can that she's beautiful. tell her she's healthy and not fat. do whatever you can to prevent her from hating her body.

    I've been trying to do this and I know my sister (mom) has been trying as well....I just have a hard time when 7 yer olds are having to worry about what they look like to others...I didn't at that age....it was hard enough at 12 when the body is changing and you're supposed to put on extra weight....BUT at 7 years old???

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I just have a hard time when 7 yer olds are having to worry about what they look like to others

    i agree. i picked my niece up from school one day (i think she was around 7 or 8 also) and she proudly announced that she was ''going on a diet too!!!''

    her mother, my mother, and i had been discussing going on a diet together the night before. i quickly said, "nonono!!!! diet's are for people who need to lose weight.'' then she asked me what losing weight meant. i told her it's for fat people and assured her that she was not fat in the least bit and didn't need a diet.

    ''but you're not fat either jojo.'' ahhhh...from the mouth of babes.

    i decided that day that if i ever have children, the words diet, losing weight, and oh crap i'm so fat will never be mentioned in their presence.

    it sounds like your niece has a very loving family and that she has many people to turn to when she needs to talk to someone. i didn't have that and struggled w/ my weight issues from the time i was 12 until recently. luckily i never developed an eating disorder, but i had a lot of unhealthy habits...fasting, occasional purging, over exercising, etc.

    i have a wonderful support group now (matt). he helps me to eat healthy and to exercise properly. i apologize for hogging this thread. i've just made it my life goal to try to find that chip that society has placed in the brains of our young girls, making them think that they're supposed to look like Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton, and tear it out. i think our society has gotten better, but we still have issues. i look forward to the day when girls will just enjoy being girls again.

    ok...i'm done now.

    luv, jojo

  • under74
    i apologize for hogging this thread.

    You're not hogging the thread. I appreciate your comments. With my neice I worry because my mom, my aunt and one of my sister's (not the mom of my neice) have all had eating disorders. To see it (body image distortions) start so young---my younger sister disn't have a problem until her teens--really worries me.

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