To see it (body image distortions) start so young
oh my have no idea. i recently read in a health article that it's not uncommon nowadays for treatment centers to have patients as young as...brace yourself...9-10 years of age!!!
it's so ironic that the trend these days is to be ''healthy and accepting and to love your body''. but then i walk around the mall, and the first thing that catches my eye when i walk past a store is the size negative zero manequin in the front window. then i walk past a plus size store and see a manequin that's more my size. wtf?
your family should be very careful with your niece, considering the fact that ED's run in your family. many psychiatrist believe that it's a genetic predisposed imabalance in the brain. people w/ this are more prone to ED's. family habits also play a part.
luv, jojo