just sick...7 year olds caring about their looks...

by under74 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    To see it (body image distortions) start so young

    oh my god...you have no idea. i recently read in a health article that it's not uncommon nowadays for treatment centers to have patients as young as...brace yourself...9-10 years of age!!!

    it's so ironic that the trend these days is to be ''healthy and accepting and to love your body''. but then i walk around the mall, and the first thing that catches my eye when i walk past a store is the size negative zero manequin in the front window. then i walk past a plus size store and see a manequin that's more my size. wtf?

    your family should be very careful with your niece, considering the fact that ED's run in your family. many psychiatrist believe that it's a genetic predisposed imabalance in the brain. people w/ this are more prone to ED's. family habits also play a part.

    luv, jojo

  • under74
    your family should be very careful with your niece, considering the fact that ED's run in your family

    Yeah, that's what I've been thinking and worrying about. It's sad to see a beautiful, healthy little girl saying she's too fat and to hear that she's been crying because kids are saying this even though she's no bigger than them.

    The malls crack me up!! I'm considered to be pretty thin by some--but sizes that would have fit my weight 10 years ago are now 5 times smaller than my weight. Insane....also insane that my neice likes to go to the Limited Too and the clothes seem to be outfitted for sickly thin girls two feet taller than her and two sizes smaller than her....I just don't get it.

  • damselfly

    I don't really know what to say except maybe just try and start teaching her healthy eating habits. The importance of proper nutrients to allow her her brian to grow and function etc. The importance of having a strong body instead of a emanicpated weak one.

    Girls are mean, even at 7.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    people just don't think to consider the fact the people have different body types...my sister and i weigh pretty much around the same, 115-120. but i wear a size 6 and she wears a size 1. she has more of a straight lined body, and i have more junk in my trunk.

    it's stupid. i went to one of those so called ''health sites'' aka LOSE A DRESS SIZE IN A WEEK! i entered in my height and weight. 4'11 125lbs.

    it said i was overweight.

    it's a mad mad mad world we live in.

    i'm gonna run for prez. vote for me and i'll outlaw models that are 7 feet tall and weigh 100 pounds. every model must be no taller than 5'5 and weigh no less than 130.

    luv, jojo

  • GoingGoingGone

    I would also emphasize eating healthy, not eating to 'lose weight'... People concerned with their health take care to eat proper portion sizes, get enough nutrition (limiting visits to MickyD's), exercise, etc, and would avoid purging, for example... So I would think that HEALTHY is the way to go.

    But since ED runs in your family, would it be possible to contact a specialist, maybe get some ideas to prevent any potential problems? Explain your family situation and your niece's comments. Prevention is much easier than having to repair a problem if one should arise.

    Hope all goes well!


  • Fe2O3Girl

    It is sick. We can't wrap children up and insulate them from the culture around us. Lots of the official pictures of celebs are photoshopped and airbrushed to give them longer legs and perfect skin. We feel bad because we don't look like that, only they don't look like that either.

    Every time we pick up a celebrity magazine or tabloid newspaper that mocks celebs for having normal bodies snapped unawares, we buy into it. We are all joining in, pointing and saying "you're fat" to someone that is probably underweight.

  • under74
    I don't really know what to say except maybe just try and start teaching her healthy eating habits. The importance of proper nutrients to allow her her brian to grow and function etc. The importance of having a strong body instead of a emanicpated weak one.

    She has healthy eating habits....maybe I haven't been clear....she doesn't have a weight problem---BUT she thinks she's fat.

    Thanks kitty...I hope you do run for president...I'd vote for you A size 1 is unatural as far as I'm concerned (unless your an recovering from an eating disorder and reading this to you I say size one is a good start--hope you get up to 8 soon) ...you only wear a size 6? Why in the world would you ever have to worry about your weight???

  • damselfly
    She has healthy eating habits....maybe I haven't been clear....she doesn't have a weight problem---BUT she thinks she's fat.

    I know you were clear on that. I was talking about preventative measures for possible eating disorders in the future as she thinks she is fat.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    It starts before they're even in school. I've sat down and watched Saturday morning cartoons with my five year old and I'm utterly disgusted. Even the cartoons portray a body image that is impossible to acheive.

  • under74
    I was talking about preventative measures for possible eating disorders in the future as she thinks she is fat.

    Right. I think GGG might be right about contacting a specialist if she doesn't snap out of it soon.

    darth- I agree. My niece was watching some show on the Disney channel and I saw some anerexic girl and said, " she's wayyyy too thin." My neice said that sha was fine but on my protest said "ya, she is too skinny." It worries me even more that she's seeing real live young girls that look like Karen Carpentor and thinking it's okay until someone argues with her. You know, that Raven girl I've thought was annoying since she was on the Cosby Show...but at least she looks healthy and her age.

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