do you resent your parents for bringing you into the WTS?

by kid-A 35 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sonnyboy

    My parents didn't bring me into the religion until I was around 5 or 6, and I don't resent them because they're genuinely stupid.

    If they were intelligent people I may have a little resentment.


    Not really. Mom was brought up in it as well. Dad was brainwahsed by pioneers out in service one day. It really isnt their fault, they taught me what they thought was best for me.

  • Ellie

    Yes, I feel a lot of resentment towards my mum

  • Rayvin

    I dont resent them for bringing me up in the WTS however I do resent them now for wedging themselves into my life with little snipits of guilt and pity regarding the WTS. They should realize we are now adults and can make our OWN decisions.

  • blondie

    Actually, my father wasn't a JW when I was growing up, but he was verbally, emotionally, physically and sexually abusive. My mother was the JW.

    We had the choice of staying alone with dad or going to the meeting with mom. The meetings didn't seem so bad in that perspective.

    I also know that birthdays, holidays, school activities still would have been out at home even if my mother had not been a JW because my father never would have wasted money on those things.

    I have nothing to do with my pedophile father who has never acknowledged or apologized for his abuse and my JW mother has never acknowledged or apologized for knowing and allowing it to happen. I don't waste my emotions or energy on "resenting" them. For all intents and purposes, my parents are as good as dead.


  • Tez

    Hellrider, thats a helluva lotta hate you got there!!! Think things must have been really tough for you to feel so strongly. Looking back over the comments on this I can see most of you have a very loving and caring feeling toward your parents despite their mistakes, and this attitude doesn't just grow on trees. I am one of those parents, but when push came to shove couldn't put 'the truf' before my kids. I think that most of you were aware that your parents loved you and wanted the best for you, but when it comes to folk like Hellrider he couldn't have experienced that love or he wouldn't feel as he does. Hellrider I hope that you realise that this site can help you recover from all that you were put through. I surely hope it does as hate is such a destructive emotion. Take care Hellrider and remember there are people that care!!!

  • luna2

    Excellent choice, blondie. Some people aren't worth the energy it takes to hate them.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I don't resent them at all. They were duped, taken advantage of spiritually by religious cultists, following a death in the family. My parents aren't very well read or critical thinkers. Remember, our parents didn't have the resources that we have now like the internet. We come from a small Christian village. They raised us the way they thought was best.

    After my whole disassociation, I couldn't imagine a better scenario with how I've been treated by my still believing dad. He told me that he loves all of his sons and wouldnt intentionally have raised us in a religion that he didn't believe was the truth and the best thing for us. We still get along fine, and he isnt pressuring my mom to go to meetings anymore now.


  • riotgirlpeeps
    They don't believe that my right to choose is just as valid as theirs, and that is what I resent.

    I agree with that statement the most, that reflects my feelings very much so.


  • mouthy

    yes, totally. Those who answered that way. Let me ( as one who brought my kids up that way) say... I am sorry -SO SORRY!!! for you & your parents. I honestly thought I was getting my children into Paradise....Yes I was ( & am ignorant) But I love my kids more than anything. Yet I have lost Annmarie. Vanessa, Heather,Dallas & Dante. Why? Because I took the mind control path...& They followed this stupid woman -Otherwise I put them on a guilt trip( Yes I feel terrible about it).Your parents MUST also believe they are following Gods orders. We now know we were duped!!!! But I hope all those who feel resentment towards your folks .....TRY!!! to forgive them "They knew not what they were doing" Love to all Mouthy/Grace/Gran

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