KH meeting - boring!

by jstalin 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jstalin

    I'm not a JW but a friend of mine who is a JW invited me to the memorial service at the KH this year. I was raised Catholic but now I'm agnostic/atheist. One thing that struck me was how horribly sterile and boring the memorial service was. The Catholic mass isn't very exciting, but in the beautiful church there's at least something to look at, and there's live music. The KH was drab, the people were dour (except for right before the meeting, where I was love bombed), and the music was fake. I caught myself smiling at how horrible it was. On top of that, the hall was maybe 25% full, and this was for what my friend said was going to be a busy night. Heck, at the Catholic church, Easter and Christmas would be abcolutely packed - standing room only - easily over 1000 people - and they usually had three or four masses each holiday weekend. I'd say the memorial service had perhaps 50 at the most.

    Is this typical of Kingdom Halls? For those long-time JWs out there, do you see congregations dying, or did I observe an anomaly? Are they all that boring and dour?

  • rebel8

    Yep. That is typical.

  • Legolas

    Yes they are always that boring!!!!

    In my old hall the busiest night was the memorial, maybe it was for that hall to compared to how many people usually go!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Boring, boring, boring!!!


  • mrsjones5

    The only best bit of memorial night was going out to dinner afterwards...the memorial is nothing to write home about. Very dry and boring

  • delilah

    Very boring indeed. Can you imagine a lifetime of 5 meetings a week in a place like that?????


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Want some excitement at a memorial? Partake of the emblems. :D

  • kid-A

    The KHs are all architectural monstrosities. I completely agree with you, catholic cathedrals are stunningly beautiful, especially in Europe. I am an atheist, but when I stepped foot inside the Vatican, I immediately thought, "If I was God, this is where I would live" LOL.

    Great avatar BTW!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Just so you know

    That's what they call a spiritual feast!!!!

    I call it starvation rations

  • JH

    Yes, meetings are boring, and also very long and frequent.

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