This weekend I spent several hours putting the parts for the afore-mentioned biodiesel processor together. It was like a huge puzzle. It seems to have taken nearly forever to find all the various parts needed to get this to work, from start to finish (several months).
Don't let any of those biodiesel forum pages ever fool you--this isn't really as easy as it looks, unless you happen to have a lot of plumbing parts laying around, spare tanks and carboys, hoses and quick connects, etc, or live near a well-stocked dump. Nearly every solved problem created a new question to be solved. I had to look upon this as a sort of "hobby/project". Good news is, that every problem did get solved, and seems to have gotten solved in a very good way. I think...
So we are nearly done with all the mechanical end of it, and what remains is to test it for leaks with a run with water first; finish plumbing in the standing tank; and let hubby set up the titration center (I'm really clueless with the chemistry part). Then... we start our test batches.
I'm posting this just to update... and so I can be held accountable, I guess, to not quit! My hands are a bit busted up from all the work, but if it all works out this will have been a satisfying project. Time will soon tell. When we get some decent biodiesel, I photograph our outstanding achievement and post a pic.
Picture shows (L-R) a waste oil collection tank, a lot of quick-disconnect hoses for sending the oil into the processor or out to a standing tank, the water heater-turned-processor, and a pump with tons of piping below it. The black column is a stack of milk crates, upon which the pump is set. The water heater for our home is the thing with braces (it's not related to this project!). Then the standing tank. The jug on the waste oil tank is for adding methanol to the processor thru a special connection, though the jug will actually stay outside and never come downstairs. Talk about a project!