Have been reading your posts about Rita. I can't even believe it. Sending you good vibes and best wishes. canned meats
yumm! Are we talking canned hams (please), or worse, potted meat product or Spam? I feel sorry for you already.
Too bad no one invented canned cannoli.
Thanks, Rebel8. (blech) My daughter and I each had a basket and we took opposite ends of the groc. store and met on the canned meat aisle...heheh She went past the cold meat bins, but didn't pick up a canned ham since the electricity will probably go out. I got lots of tuna and some vienna sausages, but NO potted meat, thank goodness. At least the g/kids'll have plenty of "finger food" for traveling, in case we hafta take off and be stuck on the hwy for hours. (wishes for some good cannoli)
Hopefully...there's no dumbshits that think they can "ride it out"...like with Katrina. Good Luck! and heed the warnings....(man does that sound Dubbish or what?) LOL!
U/D, you know there WILL be DS's Yah, that sounds jdubish awright!
It's amazing the 'panic' that is spreading around here. I live in San Antonio... about 150 miles inland, and my girlfriend, and her family are all freaking out - thinking that we're going to be wiped out here.
Her sister is putting tape over the windows of their mobile home, and moving to live with a relative who lives in a stick-built home.
Her mom is taking all sorts of precautions - in case we lose power.
People at the gas pumps - all in a sense of urgency - almost to the panic stage.
Don't get me wrong. I know this is a big one. But this far inland... we'll probably get a good drenching rain and higher than normal winds - from the hurricane, as it spins itself out. Texas has some hard dirt that will slow down any hurricane before it gets this far inland.
WOW, JimTex! Even here, we'll be on the West side of it, so we'll recv weaker winds and rain and probably little or no tornadoes.
LOL! I can't believe the lines at the gas pumps! It's incredible. Yesterday afternoon, some guy in his little honda on IH 45 in bumper to bumper traffic needed to stop and get some oil for his car. So he left the car on the side of the road when he crossed the road and went to the convenience store to buy a coupla quarts. When he got back to his car, it was GONE!!! Along with his dog! UNbelievable!!