Mr. Rhett Bulter, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
I need a god--damned religion gets me down
by gringojj 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
i need a god damn......religion gets me down!
Blasphemers! You will burn in the firey depths of Gehenna!
I will laugh at you from above, saying "Nee nee. Naa naa. Boo boo."
Dammit Janet
gosh-darnit !!! I love sayin' goddammit!!!!!
My four year old grandson heard someone saying, "Dang it!" So now when something frustrating happens to him, he says, "Dane NIT!" It's so cute it's hard to correct it.
Darth Yhwh
God damnit, Blind Melon rocks! God damn, I love that song!
Darth Yhwh
Oh yeah, TS, I forgot to tell you that I think you have a error in your lyrics. I believe he says "If I'm hungry at 4:30 in the morning, pink dot will deliver." You know like he need a trip and that pink dot is gonna fix right up.