I spoke about 1/2 hour to Shunned Father on the phone last night, and he proclaims his innocence as regards to that beacon of truth post. He is very much appreciative of the offers of help he has received, so please everyone, dont back out on this historic event because of a post that seemed offensive. I will be disappointed if everyone were to pull out because of this. I want to meet alot of people on Oct.13, and there will be a dinner afterwards, so there will be lots of time for socializing too. I am so excited and enthused about this picketing, Im just hoping that people wont pull out over something silly as a post. The WT Society is a dangerous cult and needs to be exposed for the whole world to see, please dont allow feelings of anger or hurt to prevent you from joining us, this is a very worthy cause, no matter who is sponsoring it.
I personally believe that it was probably posted by an over-zealous Apostate who is frustrated, or there does exist the possibility that a JW did this in order to stir up controversy and resentment in an effort to stop the picketing.
Be forewarned Brooklyn, I will be there on Oct.13 and you will be exposed to the national news media for all of the filthy lies you imposed on people, we will not be deterred.