
by tall penguin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ingenuous

    tall penguin - great letter. Thanks for sharing it and the response(s) you're getting.

  • mrsjones5
    I guess it's sad to

    see you go it alone... well I hope you find what you're looking for.

    Alone...as you know youre not alone Tall. Funny how she said that. Mostlikely to make you feel left out and to bait you to come back instead of being "alone".


  • Es

    Great letter..let us know if you get a reply


  • Momofmany

    That was a great letter. Let us know if they reply.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    the shitty part is that it will go over most jw's heads. they are very uneducated and have a hard time dealing with big words and even bigger sentances. but in the old adage, "if it helps even one, then it was worth it..."


  • Smiles


    I like what you said about the JW view of "stumbling". The WT teaches that stumbled persons are arrogant, stubborn and weak. That is not always true. Sometimes the stumbled person is right.

    Nice letter. I hope you get some respect from the people you send the letter to.

  • Narkissos

    Good letter TP.

    Perhaps we might forge a notion of "stumbling up" or "being stumbled awake".

  • alw

    Excellent piece of writing tall penguin - I hope they appreciate your honesty - although it will probably go over their head. You are one 'writer'. Thanks for the post. alw

  • kwintestal

    The JW's use the word "stumbling" and "doubts" to make it seem that YOU couldn't get over a simple problem, and that it is all YOU. THAT is arrogent and and attitude "puffed up with pride." But, it is also a defence mechinism designed to make the user of the term feel that they are still right, discounting your reason for leaving as inadequite.


  • Honesty
    I guess it's sad to see you go it alone...

    All together now....

    You've Got A Friend In Jesus

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