List everything you hate here....

by under74 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • skinnyboy

    I hate indifference!

    Also I can't stand uneducated people who profess to be otherwise!

    Poor drivers: Driving is a priveldge not a right, most people don't even know the basic driving skills!

    Reality TV "personailities"" Personality is their least used talent!

    Manufactured Music: Talentless, soulless, forgettable

    Jamster Mobile Crazy Frog: Say no more


  • Ellie

    I hate spiders too, and chavs.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Right now gas prices and what this society does to our sons to make them grow up with such an odd and often harmful view of women.

  • Gretchen956

    Hate is a pretty strong emotion. As for critters I would say fear more than hate, so I won't list them! I'd say intolerance of any type really makes me crazy. Drivers that don't use their turn signals or who leave them on. GWB and company. Pedophiles. Thats my list (not in order of strong emotion!).


  • Qcmbr

    raw egg drinking
    needing the loo in a traffic jam
    when I was a kid I had bri-nylon superman underpants - I am forever scarred - physically and mentally
    Mr.Messy, I get so stressed trying to work out where he begins
    not being filthy rich
    owing money
    animal testing for non-essentials
    the amount of rubbish I generate
    fungal infections
    body fat
    my body fat
    chutney ferret behaviour
    the exocet missile
    the fact I'm not a naturalised US citizen

    PS U74 am I one of the git mormons you referred to:p

  • anewme

    I thought of something I'm really mad about!!!!!

    There is a lovely valley nearby, a couple of miles from these canyons I live in.
    It is filled with wild flowers and creatures.......wild geese in winter, coyotes, hares, possum, raccoons, squirrels and prairie dogs.
    The beauty is the sort that artists can be seen along the highway in spring inspired to paint it.

    Well the city north of us owns this lovely valley and has decided to enlarge itself and put 80,000 people in this valley. It is planned to be a little L.A.

    What a crime that nobody is able to stop!!! The only ones to benefit are already rich developers and city officials.

    The other day as I drove by a little coyote stuck his head out from the bushes. In his eyes there was a plea for my silence as to his whereabouts.

    I'm so sorry.

  • Ellie

    Anewme, thats very sad and it happens all too often, over here they don't think twice before building a new road through the most beautiful countryside and it really is a crime.

  • ballistic
    I hate spiders too, and chavs.

    Yeah, chavs, I forgot that one.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    please don't hate me for this but I am driven by forces that I don't fully understand.

    Trevor, it's yer libido. Get over it.

    I really, really hate injustice...things, situations and people that are unfair.....and people with a " 'tude." I wasn't BORN yet when your ancestors were ripped from their homes and enslaved and while my skin color doesn't make me better than you, yours surely doesn't make you better than me. Nor does my skin color mean that I owe you anything other than the politeness, common decency and good manners that I'll give to you, the same as I expect from you. After all, I list my race as "human" on forms that I'm called on to fill out and my g/kids are bi-racial, so get a clue, get a life and get rid of the 'tude.

  • Leolaia

    I hate Kevin Trudeau and other hucksters who deceive and rip off the sick and gullible.

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