What is 'Chavs'?
List everything you hate here....
by under74 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I guess I will put jehovahs witnesses on top my list . That's like saying I hate incompetence . I hate beautiful women with bad additudes . People that pretend to be your friend just so they can get something from you . politicians , used car salesmen , mechanics , drug addicts , people that infringe on your basic rights and freedoms , dittos on alot of the other things posted such as people that leave their baby in a car on 100 degree day with the windows up .....
Car insurance companies
Religious fundamentalists
Gasoline retailers
x-tian rock
brussell sprouts
Fox news
When people call me while I'm on the phone and instead of leaving a message, just keep calling over and over.
---"I list my race as "human" on forms that I'm called on to fill out"---
Frannie, I like that :) -
Throwing Up - I hate that more then anything!
Double Edge
People who dislike mormons, thinking they are like JWs (pleeeeeze)
Democrats who won't nominate a REAL candidate to give Americans a REAL choice
chip-beef on toast
When I'm talking to someone on the phone and they start eating in my ear...
When I order a Sprite from a fast food place and the cup is filled with seltzer water...
Call Waiting...
Frannie Banannie
---"I list my race as "human" on forms that I'm called on to fill out"---
Frannie, I like that :)I've been doin' it since the '80's, Thom.
It seems important to me.
People who dislike mormons, thinking they are like JWs (pleeeeeze)
I don't think the religions are exactly the same but with all the Mormons I've personally known (including family members) the basic "I'm better than you are" mentality has existed...I didn't say ALL Mormons are like this but my personal experience influences my opinion. You're entiltled to yours and I'm entitled to mine.
What is 'Chavs'?
LOL It's hard to explain, but it brings to mind people trying to act posh, wearing bling and replicas of designer labels ripped off on the black market, who in reality are definately low lifes and can never fully be what they are trying to be. i.e. Posh and Becks http://www.chavscum.co.uk/