Did Rutherford, Knorr or Franz have any kids?

by kid-A 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Does anybody know if any of these 3 had children? If so, did they remain in the WTS and gain any positions of influence?

    I always thought the WTS had very little regard for children, not just the fact that they expect the dubs to sacrifice their childrens lives over the blood issue, but even the designs of the kingdom halls, no rooms or activities for children, just forced indoctrination.

    Could this stance be the result of a series of Presidents who had no understanding or care for children themselves?

  • Simon

    I thought Rutherford did, that's just off the top of my head though so I could be completely wrong.

  • Aude_Sapere
    Could this stance be the result of a series of Presidents who had no understanding or care for children themselves?

    I've often thought this, too.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Russell had no children

    Rutherford had one son. Both his wife and the son left Rutherford and the distance between them widen so much that neither went to Rutherford's funeral

    Franz I don't know yet but I think not

  • kid-A

    Of all the circuit overseers I ever met, not a one had any kids, so I always assumed these 3 were the same (at least none they admitted to!!! LOL)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Franz According to the book Four Presidents of the WT he never married

  • kid-A

    Lady Lee,

    Do you know if Rutherfords son and wife were df'd, or faded out? Or just estranged from Rutherford?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    On eof the elders who was on my JC went into the circuit work a few years later. He and his wife had one grown child

    Otherwise I think they are younger couples and childless. It's not like you can drag kids around the country while they are living like gypsys

  • thom

    I heard Franz say in a talk once "People ask me why I never got married. Well, I was looking for the perfect woman, but when I found her, it turned out she was looking for the perfect man."
    It would be my assumption that if he never married then he never had kids. If he did have any kids, I doubt anyone would ever find out about it :)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    as far as I know and have read so far Rutherford and his wife were estranged. The org explained the separation was due to her "handicapped" (4 Pres p 30)

    There is a thread here somewhere regarding a lot of this. Try looking in the Best of section. I believe I made a section for each of Russell and Rutherford.

    I had very little info re Franz but who knows what i will find while reading this book

    NOTE regarding Rutherford's funeral. While his estranged wife and son did not attend his funeral neither did Knorr or Franz (4 Pres. p 33)

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