My son will be 9 tomorrow and we celebrated his first b-day yesterday!

by findingmyway 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • findingmyway

    It was a surprise and he felt a little awkward -- especially when we sang the birthday song -- but he embraced it. He was so excited to see that everyone came for him and brought gifts and he was very appreciative! I am so happy that I did it!

    My mother is going to get an earful the next time she sees him. I can just picture her jaw dropping to the floor. I wish I could be there to see it.

  • Legolas

  • Oroborus21

    Good for you!

    If any JWs ask or question, just tell them that you guys are just a little ahead of the curve as you expect that Birthday celebrations will receive official toleration by the Society in the next 10 years.

    That might spring into a hypothetical discussion along the lines of you asking them, how they would feel if the Society does tolerate/approve of B-days in the near future. Would what you were doing today be wrong? And if so, then isn't their view of B-days only because the Society is saying that they are wrong today and not because there are objectionable things about B-days itself.

    If they have doubts about that, or about the Society making such an "adjustment" feel free to cite them other similar things that have undergone the change in view via the application of the "Rule of Contemporary Association":

    I can think of:

    "Pinatas" (formerly considered pagan influenced/Christmas influenced - now Ok)

    "Wedding Anniversaries/wedding rings",

    you or others can come up with others.

    take care,

    Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • Es

    thats awesome! Happy birthday . Hope he had a great day surrounded by those who love him


  • findingmyway

    Thanks Legolas! We were all so happy to hear him sing his reply: "I'm 9 years old! ....." I didn't prepare him and since it was a surprise I wasn't sure how he would respond. It was great!

  • findingmyway

    Thanks Es. He was surrounded by his friends and non-JW "family" and he got the electric motor scooter he has been begging me for, so he was more than thrilled!

  • mad max
    mad max

    Thats sooooooo wonderful.

    Society says no B-days, 1 reason, that one chap got his head cut off, but they fail to mention that the King also did a good deed, he let the cup-bearer out of jail ( i think it was the cup-bearer)

    God also said we should honor oneanother and that is how we do it, by celebrating your day of birth.

    all the best

  • gladdy

    happy birthday little one, Mom must have been misty eyes watching his little cherub face so happy to have his friends and family there and to feel normal and have a special day just for him. Way to go mom.

  • mrsjones5

    It is so great to see how excited little ones get over their special day and cake

    For me it really makes up for all those years that I was made to not feel special on the day of my birth. I get to live it through my kids now.

    Happy Birthday to the new 9 year old!!


  • thom

    Happy Birthday to your son! :smile:
    My daughter will be 13 in November and we're planning her first birthday party (13 year old style, I guess). I asked her to get a friend to help organize it with us as neither my daughter or myself have ever celebrated a birthday in our lives. We'd like it to be fun and I think outside assistance will be necessary for that to happen :smile:


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