Husbands! Smack your wife across the mouth!

by PopeOfEruke 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlyingHighNow
    She said that husbands are the head of the family, and if the wife doesn't support him in serving Jehovah then he should give her a good smack across the mouth, thats what she deserves. If only Adam had given Eve a good smack across the mouth when she proposed eating the fruit, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now!

    This adds support to my theory that the Eve/forbidden fruit story was made up to use to manipulate, dominate and control women.

    Go ahead and smack me in the mouth, dude. You have to sleep sometime. *Evil laughter!*

  • Ingenuous

    Did anyone ask her: "And you read that this is acceptable where in the Bible?"

  • mrsjones5

    Can you say Lorna Bobbit?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Can you say Lorna Bobbit?

    My beloved exsister in law used to say, "Hit me and I'll wait until you're asleep and pour hot lead in your ear." She was inspired by the story and movie "The Screaming Skull." I miss that gal. Miss Rubalee. We sure shared some laughter. Now she's bedridden from the stress of being a JW."

  • ackack

    I was in an abusive relationship for 5 years. The reaction to her abuse ranged from "did you bring anything second-hand in to the house lately? (demons)" to "she needs to eat more fish/do running/get more sleep". She was publicly reproved after I left, but I was hounded for not "forgiving" her and going to back to getting beaten up. Aparently, she was attending all her meetings now, so I should go back.

    sigh ...

    Now she's lying in a court of law. Saying she was never abusive. Before I left the JW's I went to the elders about this. They didn't seem to care. Lying and abuse is pretty minor next to touching someone's breast or getting a vasectomy.


  • hopelesslystained


    Stories like Lady Lee's are not uncommon in the organization. That's how my po elder father kept my mother and us kids towing the line (with a good slap across the mouth). Later when I was married to a 'fine' brother who beat me, the kids, and the dog, I was required to stay with him by the elders as well. That 'fine' husband of mine made sure there were never 2 witnesses to anything he did, including adultry. The attempts of many women I've spoken with to remain in 'good standing' as a witness, has forced them to live under these prison-like conditions.

    With the title of this thread being what it is, let's watch and see how many similar stories come up from around the globe! I was in S California.

  • Elsewhere
    My wife (who of course is blamed for me leaving the truth but in fact had nothing to do with it) was very impressed with this statement....If only I had beaten her in the face earlier I would still be in line for everlasting life!!! Wished I had known that earlier!!

    Is your wife saying that she wants you to beat her?

  • Hellrider

    Ha ha! No, it doesn`t sound like her husband does it, and that she said it to justify it. She is probably a very "hard" woman, am I right? My grandmother gave her son, my father, the same advice concerning my mother (an advice he was quick and eager to follow, the bastard). She was a "hard woman", I don`t know what other words to use about her. The thing is, if my grandfather had tried to hit my grandmother, she would have beaten the crap out of him. I have a vivid childhood memory of her running after him outside their house with a frying pan, to hit him in the head (ha ha), after their divorce, when he showed up to pick up his stuff. He might have been a bit upset, of course, that she had sold the car and their business behind his back, which I believe is what instigated the "frying pan"-episode, ha ha! My grandfather always referred to their 40-year-long marriage as "his 40 years in the desert".

    Oh lord, deliver me from women like that.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    What an absolutly disgusting comment!!

    Doesn't the bible teach that Husbands are supposed to love their Wife like they love their own body?

  • FlyingHighNow
    What an absolutly disgusting comment!!

    A lot of married guys do beat themselves, only when they do it, it's pleasurable.

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