Would Your Life Change If You Were Suddenly Disfellowshipped?

by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If it did happen, I would be more impacted because JWs come to my business, too. Other than that, I think it would have very little effect-----and you?????

  • kwintestal

    At this point, it would have no effect on my life.


  • GetBusyLiving

    I'd have to get reinstated first.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    The only thing that would change in my life would be my relationship with my mother. She is the only JW in the family at this point. The WTBS has been eliminated from my life entirely except from my relationship with her and the time I spend on this board.

    If I were disfellowshipped today that would give me something to post about here, so in a way it could possibly enhance my life. LOL.

    Who knows though, I may have been disfellowshipped already and just am not aware of it?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    My house would be cleaner and my yard more kept up because all of a sudden I'd have more time to tend to those things!

    I could sleep in on weekends guilt-free!


  • JH

    The bottom line is that it's all between you and God.

    Not being DF'd or being DF'd changes what if you live the same life style?

    To answer your question, yes it would affect me at first, because I never was DF'd

    Would my life change: NO

  • inbyathread
    I could sleep in on weekends guilt-free!

    I do that now, but I'm not df'd...yet.

    To answer the question though, my life would not change but df'ing could impact my son and future daughter-in-law to a lesser degree and probably to a larger degree with her parents.

    Does that make sense?

  • candidlynuts

    i havent had sex in years but my family shuns me already because i " live" with an unmarried man and his mother. i always figured if i had a reputation as a loose moraled person i'd at least be having fun! anyway... if i was df'd i dont think it'd impact my life, i'm already dead in their eyes.

  • Finally-Free

    They can't DF me. I beat them to it and told 'em to get lost.


  • Forscher

    My mother-in-law wouldn't speak to me. Big loss! ;-)

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