Would Your Life Change If You Were Suddenly Disfellowshipped?

by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Other than my folks not talking to me no it wouldnt be a huge change, everybody else in the congo already treats me like im D\F so i got rid of my friends then and there.I guess i would be a little less stressed if i was D\F. I mean i was only thinking of it the other day in the next couple of months the chrissy tree will be coming out and undoubtedly my 3 year old will accidently tell my folks bout it heheheh.


  • luna2

    There would be a couple of people who would no longer talk to me, but since I only speak to them about three times a year as it is, I doubt it would make much difference in my life. I'm sure I'd feel slightly bad for a little while...nobody likes to be tossed away as if they don't matter, but I'm sure I'd recover quickly. I'm lucky in that I have no relatives that are JWs, so being kicked out won't impact my family life at all.

    Now if I could just rid myself of this annoying habit of just marking time in my life. I've gotten so used to not making things happen because I was waiting for the Big A to come along. Must stop being such an observer and learn to be more of a do-er.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Would Your Life Change If You Were Suddenly Disfellowshipped?

    Well I might be a little late but I will answer. It changed every single aspect of my life. I got the divorce I wanted but in thye process I lost my family, all my friends, my religion and even my children for a short while. I also lost a big part of me and who I thought I was. I had to start over from scratch. Being DFed meant that I was doomed to death. I had no education, no trade, no skills. I couldn't even support myself. Well I learned young to survive a hell of a lot so I started to pick up the pieces of my life or what was left of it. Like Humpty Dumpty I was broken and had to rebuild. I went into therapy and started college and slowly created a new me and a new life. It's been 20 years and I'm free.

  • blondie

    I don't know what for. Unless not attending meetings/not turning in a time slip become grounds for DFing.

    A couple of people might stop talking to me but I have already distancee myself emotionally from the JWs I have known over the years.

    BTW what is "suddenly"? Doesn't the BOE have to give you a week to appeal, then there is the original JC and the appeal JC?

    Freedom means nothing left to lose.


  • stillajwexelder

    not as much as it once would have done

  • minimus

    The longer I'm out----about 3 years since I've been to a meeting----the easier it is to see that JWs are irrelevant. My mom has repeatedly told me that if I ever got d'fd, she would not care what the elders would do to her for still associating with me. I seldom ever see my brother and sil. Like I said, the only thing thar could affect me is some revenue loss.

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