Do you hide you JW family's practice of shunning from non-JW family?

by kwintestal 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I think covering for JW's and what they believe is dysfunctional. Would hiding it be like a family of an alchoholic "covering" for their indescretions? I was very open with my non-JW family about the whole "shunning" thing and "abstaining" from holidays, funerals, weddings, et al. I just stated the JW beliefs baldly, no sugar-coating. And, well, maybe a bit of rolled eyes. My stepmom, always the gatherer for family events, was horrified.

    Later, when the JW's came to the door, my stepmom replied, "Oh yes, I know all about the Jehovah's Witnesses. My daughter married one. And I am not interested. Goodbye!"

  • Elsewhere

    I don't bring it up... but if someone starts asking about my family I will tell them.

  • ChrisVance

    Most of my family are dubs, dyed in the wool. The few that aren't have been around the dubs all their lives. They are aware that the rest shun me, but they accept it as part of dubdom. It seems like they're semi-brain washed themselves, even though they don't like the JW religion. They're used to it. If has affected their lives even since they can remember.

  • Lilycurly

    My father is the only JW in the family and we often visit his side of the family all together. The day I get DFed, you can beleive the WORLD will know if he decides to not speak to me anymore. It will not only spread the thruth about what they do to families, but all of them, aunts, uncles, grandmas, etc, will be even more against the cult and will let dad know of crazy an idea it is.

  • Cygnus

    None of my JW family shun me cause I'm DF'd. One or two distant ons may not like it but they don't shun me.

  • Legolas

    I have no family 'in', but I told them why I am 'out'! And yes if I still had family in, I would tell the ones who were not just what was going on!

  • happygirl

    I tell everyone,everywhere,anytime, cause I want the world to know just what kind of lunatics these people are!

  • damselfly

    I don't really see any non-JW family. I only have two aunts on my Mom's side that aren't JW and I never see them. The shunning is not something I share with people, I still don't like telling people that I was raised a JW.


  • Honesty

    But... they don't shun. that's what my ex dub wife, under oath told the judge yesterday in an open courtroom. I don't think he believed her because he asked me if what she said is true. I had to be honest and tell him the current position of the WTBTS is that anyone who voluntarily leaves the religion is to be viewed as spiritually dead; they will not have a resurrection, which is contrary to what the bible says; that they are to be viewed in a biblical sense as something to be loathed and hated; that to associate with them is to put a JW who is in 'good standing' in the congregation in jeopardy of sanctions by a 3 man Judicial Committee.

    All of my ex family on her side is 'in da troof' and loyally follow WTBTS directives. All of my non-dub family warned me that the WTBTS/JW religion is abusive, destructive and unchristian but I was already brain-washed so I didn't listen to them because it was Satan trying to keep me from the truth. How could I have been such a pompous idiot?

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Dear Pompous Idiot,
    You are in very good company.
    Another Pompous Idiot

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