Hey Everyone.

by Sam the Man 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Cheers everybody. There's some great support on here, thank you so much for the welcome. I appreciate every comment here. Thanks for the link as well, I am a fan of Randy and Freeminds yet haven't seen or read that testimony yet.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Welcome, Sam. You're in the right place. Thank you for telling us a bit of your story. There are several ex-bethelites here.

    I think you might want to read IthinkIsee's threads. His wife JUST left. Almost Athiest, and Kwintestal, too, last year. So there is hope.



  • Kenneson

    Hello Sam and welcome. There are several stories by ex-Bethelites at Randy's site. You might consider posting there what you wrote here.


  • Ingenuous

    Welcome {{{Sam}}}. You'll find much support here - as I have - and sincere people eager to help.

  • Es

    welcome sam....enjoy your time we are here to listen and help if needed. Enjoyed reading your story look forward to hearing more from you


  • alw

    Welcome Sam

    It was very encouraging to read your story - please post more - very encouraging for all to see it's not God's organisation - only men running the show.

    I initially was very blase about the 'truth' and then read CofC and then both my husband and I did not attend meetings anymore. A real eye opener.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy the board and have a lot to offer - thankyou alw

  • OldSoul

    Welcome, Sam!!!

  • misspeaches

    Hey Sam

    What a great first post. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. I think you will be able to help a lot of people. I really look forward to hearing more!

    Miss Peaches

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Welcome Sam - sooooper first post, look forward to reading more soon.

  • Golf

    Greetings Sam. Being from the old school it's not surprising to hear about your experience.

    I apply Romans 2:21 to everyone,witness or not, "...do you, however,the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself?" Many people do not practice what they preach.

    As to your decisions, do what you think is best for you.


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