To be fair, I only asserted that I actually perceive it.
that's fine. but again, what are your motives? what are your motives for trying to objectify what you have already admitted to be subjective?
I offered the analogy, and it is a good one, of a color-blind man. He can see blue, he can see red. He gets the concept of color, but green isn't real to him.
i clearly get your analogy. the analogy that i offered up shows that in this context, your analogy for color is not that good.
what would you say to the human who could not see gamma rays? that there is something wrong with him? come on!
At one time in human history we humans were much more spiritual and much less materialistic.
when we were hunting and gathering? when we were being torn apart by saber-tooth tigers? when we were dying at 30 from old age and disease?
it's pretty obvious that spirituality was there to take the edge off the harsh reality of life. that when uncle oog-ug was torn apart by a saber-toothed tiger, that it was not all for naught. that there is no reason to feel so sad about the loss, he's in a better place now that he earned entrance to. "oh, wait! i can hear uncle oog-ug talking to me. he says take another hoot on the pipe and watch out for saber-tooth tigers!"
Suppose everyone was color-blind to green, but LittleToe could see it. Does green exist? Certainly. Could he prove that to you? Would he be wise to talk openly about what he saw?
like gamma rays and infrared, he could find a way to prove it to the rest of us. like a scientist who sees something in the numbers on paper, and then sets out to prove his hypothesis, LT could boldly show that green exists although none of us can see it.
from what i can tell, LT is not willing to try the same with jesus. although if he could, it would change the world over night.
What color is a gamma ray? An x-ray?
I said you wouldn't believe the color exists, whether you could detect the existence of the spectrum or not. He would be considered delusional.
oldsoul, it doesn't matter what you are talking about! you are talking about the reality of certain things that people cannot see. i point out that science, NOT religion, helps us see these things, like gamma rays. this means that your analogy does not hold up, since even if we were all blind, we could still determine if there was a color spectrum or not. how? via science of course!
so far, we know there are things we cannot see that are indeed real. we are still waiting for any sign of interaction from the spirit realm. unless you have one to offer up for crucifixion? it may initially be batted around. but ultimately, if it is real, like the color green and gamma rays, science will come out on your side.